
Unit 1 Welcome back to school PB Let’s learn 练习(含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:82次 大小:1677986Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 Welcome back to school PB let's learn同步练习 口语训练 一,他们都是谁呢? 你会用英语向我们介绍吗? 例如: -This is ____. He/She is a teacher/student/pupil. 画一个朋友和一个老师的画像, 然后和你的同桌介绍一下! 例如: -This is ____. -He/She is a student/pupil. -This is ____. -He/She is a teacher. 笔试训练 看图,根据图片或首字母补充句子。 Zhang Peng is a boy. _____is a p_____. This is Mr Jones. _____is a t_____. This is Dora. _____is a s_____. _____ is from Canada. _____is a t_____. 选择题 (  ) 1. This is Tim. ____ is a boy. A. he B.she C.He (  )2. -I’m from _____. A. the Canada B.China C. UK (  ) 3. -Sarah is a _____. A. boy B. teacher C.student (  )4. Miss White is a _____. teacher B. pupil C. student 连线. he she teacher student(pupil) 选词补全小诗, 注意单复数和大小写。 he she teacher student ___ and ___. ___ and ___. Boy and girl. You and me! ___ and ___. ___ and ___. _____ and _____. One, two, three! 参考答案 口语训练,略 口语训练,略,, 1.He, pupil2. He, teacher,3.She, student, 4. She, She, teacher CBCA 六,1. He, 2.she 3.He, 4.she 5.He, 6.she 7.teacher 8.students

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