
Unit 7 I'm good at sports 测试卷(含答案 无听力)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:41次 大小:101376Byte 来源:二一课件通
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湘鲁版 六年级 上册 英语 Unit 7 I'm good at sports 一.选择题(共20小题,满分48分,每小题2.4分) 1.选出不同类一项(  ) A.third B.thirteenth C.thin 2.Do you like ice aseball?(  ) A.g B.h C.c D.b 3.We don't a first prize.(  ) A.have B.had C.has 4.Mike _____the first in the race.(  ) A.were B.what C.was 5.选出不同类的一项(  ) A.uncle B.father C.ping﹣pong 6.﹣﹣﹣_____ you _____ to the park yesterday? ﹣﹣﹣Yes, I did.(  ) A.Do; go B.Did; go C.Did; went 7.Do you like f otball?(  ) A.a B.o C.b D.h 8.Do you like so cer?(  ) A.a B.f C.c D.g 9.Many years later,Mary was_____.(  ) A.successful B.succeed C.success 10.They are waiting _____ me.(  ) A./ B.to C.for 11.﹣﹣﹣How are you? ﹣﹣﹣_____(  ) A.I'm fine. B.Nice to meet you. C.Hello. 12.You _____ back from China!(  ) A.am B.is C.are 13.选出不同类一项(  ) A.his B.him C.my 14.选出不同类的一项(  ) A.football B.tiger C.tennis 15.选出不同类的一项(  ) A.basketball B.volleyball C.sports 16.I'm good running.(  ) A.at B.on C.for 17.We are going in the race.(  ) A.run B.to run C.running 18.Amy is in the race.(  ) A.two B.second C.the second 19.选出不同类的一项(  ) A.one B.second C.third 20.选出不同类一项(  ) A.in front of B.behind C.first 二.填空题(共10小题,满分24分,每小题2.4分) 21.用be动词适当形式填空 There   a sign on the chair on Monday. 22.   ox 23.did(否定形式)    24.1.跳绳s   p 2.比赛r    3.游戏    4.兴奋的ex   e    5.第一f   st 6.体育运动 sp   t 7.成绩单    8.擅长于   . 25.He is good at many   (sport) and   (game),too. 26.Look,the girls are running in the race.     27.你擅长语文吗?     28.There was a car in front of the house just now. (1)否定句:    (2)一般疑问句:    肯定回答:    否定回答:    29.Wang Li is the   (one) in the race. 30. again won the first prize reading books couldn't wanted to happy practiced talked successful small sparrow fast seagull 31、Helen loved   and she could write very good stories. 32.Her best friend Mary   write stories,but she always   in singing contest. 33.Helen   win a prize in singing,too. 34.Helen was not   and she   with her mom. 35.She   a lot,but finally Mary won the prize   . 36.The sparrow is   but it flies fast. 37.You and Mary are just like the   and   . 38.Many years later,both Mary and Helen were   . 三.阅读理解(共1小题,满分2.4分,每小题2.4分) 31.I have two good friends Andy and Zhou Lin.Andy is11 years old,She is a good student.She is good at Maths and English,She is also good at Ar ts and Music.Zhou Lin is 10years old.He is a good student,too.He is good at Maths and Chinese.He is great at many sports. 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F). 1.Andy is 10years old.    2.Zhou Lin is good at Maths and English.    3.Andy doesn't like Art ... ...

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