
Unit7 Summer holiday plans Checkout time 表格式教案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:83次 大小:345001Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课 题 Unit7 Summer holiday plans Period 4 (Sound time &Checkout time) 主备人 教学目标 1. 知识目标:正确朗读Sound time中小诗,掌握字母组合oy在单词中的读音,正确完成书上Checkout time 中的练习。 2. 能力目标:能用will来谈论和描写将要发生的事。 3. 情感目标:通过本课的学习,培养学生合理制定计划习惯,形成正确利用时间的观念。 教学重点 能掌握本课时中出现的将来时疑问句。 教学难点 能熟练运用将来时展开话题问答和写话。 教学方法 情境讨论与交流、操练、展示汇报 学法指导 以学生感兴趣的暑假计划激发参与兴趣,进行新语言项目的呈现与操练;以讨论交流推进任务;以展示介绍个人及朋友假期计划进行语言实践活动。 教学准备 多媒体课件 教学时间 40分钟 教 学 过 程 二次备课 Step1 Greetings Step2 Revision 1.Free talk T:What date is it today? What holiday is coming? What will you do for the summer holiday? Where will you go for the summer holiday? How will you go there? How long will you stay there? 设计意图:通过对话复习will的用法,让学生结合实际谈论将来的事情。 2.Story time T:Some children are talking about their travel plans.What are their plans?What will Mike/Yang Ling/Su Hai/Liu Tao do for the summer holiday? S1:Mike will go back to London. S2:Yang Ling will visit her aunt and uncle in Beijing. S3:Su Hai will go to Hong Kong with her family. S4:Liu Tao will go to Taipei with his parents. 3.Cultural time T:The children will go to many interesting places.What interesting places do you know? S1:You’ll find Uluru in Australia. S2:You’ll find the Grand Canyon in the US. S3:You’ll find Buckingham Palace in the UK. S4:You’ll find Niagara Falls in Canada. 4.Cartoon time. T:There are so many interesting places in the world.So Bobby wants to travel around the world.What are Bobby’s plans? S:First,he will go to the UK. Next,he will go to the US. Then,he will go to Australia. T:How will Bobby get to the UK? S:He will take a taxi. T:Is it a good idea? S:No,it isn’t. T:How will you go to the UK? S:... 设计意图:复习story time,culture time,cartoon time,进一步巩固will的用法,并导入sound time。 Step3 Sound time Look at the pictures: boy, toy train T:Here is a boy.He wants to travel by train.He has a toy train. 2.Fill in the blanks. teach oy [??] 3.Listen and repeat, then read together. Try to read more words with oy [??]. 设计意图:通过学习,学生能够根据音标自己读词。 5.Ticking time. Ticking time I know how to pronounce “oy”. Step4 Checkout time 1.Think and write The boy is full of joy because he can play with a toy train. But if he can travel by train, he will have more fun. Will you travel by train? (Ask SS questions with wh-questions.) 2.Brainstorming. Think about the places/ways/time/...about your travel plans, and talk with your group members. where how when why what 3.Ask and answer Work in pairs. T:Talk about your travel plans with your partner. What/when/where/why/how/...will...? I’ll... Will you...? Yes/No... 设计意图:小组合作,一问一答,结合实际,用will来谈论旅游计划。 4.Think and write. T:I also have my holiday plans. I’ll show you my plans.(Show the article)What are yo ... ...

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