
人教版高一英语必修三Unit 5 Canada —“The True North”拓展阅读

日期:2024-06-22 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:57次 大小:106551Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Canada’s best summer festivals ???????在加拿大的夏季,你既可享受阳光的洗礼,也可徜徉在各种节日与活动之中。在这些精彩纷呈的节日活动中体验加拿大独特的音乐与文化。 ???? Summer festivals are the Canadian way of celebrating the season and truly enjoying the sunshine. Across Canada, summer festivals add an air of joy with lots of entertainment (娱乐) and exciting events. ???? The Fringe Festival is one of the most important festivals in?Canada. Anyone can perform and each performance lasts one minute?—?enough time to win over the audience (观众). Events include dance, music, comedy shows, drama and more. Audiences can ask the festival guide to help decide which to watch among hundreds of shows. Fringe Festivals can be found in cities such as?Toronto,?Vancouver,?Edmonton,?Victoria,?Ottawa?and?London. ?????Canada’s summer festival celebrations also include comedy shows. The Funnyfest Comedy Festival in?Calgary?and?Alberta?is where the good humor spreads all around. Funny shows with plenty of humorous material are on for about 16 nights with over a hundred performers. ?????Montreal, of course, has the Just for Laughs Festival. The Giggleshots — International Comedy Short Film Festival in?Toronto?is the largest of its kind in the world and everything you’ve heard about it is true. ???? The Canada Dance Festival in?Ottawa?began in 1987 and is growing stronger year by year. It is now the primary stage for professional (职业的) dancers to show their abilities. Get ready to watch great performances when possible. The Toronto International Tango (探戈) Festival is another way for dancers from all over the world to come and show their love for tango. Canada (?Words: about 310; Time: 5 minutes) 加拿大领土广阔,自然资源丰富,是世界上最富有、最适宜于人类居住的国家之一,也是一个主要的移民国家。 ???????Canada?is the second largest country in the world after?Russia. It is larger than the?USA?and reaches nearly a quarter of the way round the earth. The distance from east to west is over 5,500 kilometres and the country covers six of the world’s 24 time zones. However, its population, about 33.8 million, is only about one-fifth of?Russia’s. Nearly 90% of Canadians live within?200 km?of the border with the United States, which means that Canada contains vast expanses (宽阔的区域) of wilderness to the north.?Canada’s native peoples make up less than two per cent of the population. ?????? The weather is different from area to area. In the north, the winters are long and hard, with snow for six months of the year. The temperature can fall to?-60℃. In the capital,?Ottawa, the average winter temperature is?-10℃, and in summer?21℃. The west coast of?Canada?is the warmest place in winter. The average January temperature is?3℃, and in July it is?18℃. Here it rains a lot every month of the year. Plants grow well all the year round and the parks and gardens are famous for their flowers. ???????Canada?has one third of the world’s supply of fresh water. There are fiv ... ...

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