
Unit3 We should obey the rules.(Lesson13) 课件(38张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:23次 大小:9923584Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Look at these pictures. What do you think of the behavior >>Presentation Gao Wei is a good boy. He knows the school rules very well. He comes to school early. He listens carefully and talks actively. He never makes noise in class. He’s a group leader. His group is making a list of class rules. just talk >>Presentation Gao Wei is a good boy. He knows the school rules very well. He comes to school early. He listens carefully and talks actively. He never makes noise in class. He’s a group leader. His group is making a list of class rules. just talk >>consolidation 1. He knows the school _____ very well. 2. He comes to school _____. 3. He listens carefully and talks _____. 4. He never makes _____ in class. 5. His group is making a list of _____ rules. class noise actively early rules 1. Listen carefully and talk actively. 2. Hand in your homework on time. 3. Don’t be late for school. 4. Don’t make noise in class. Look at the pictures and tell me class rules. >> consolidation Listen carefully and talk actively. Hand in your homework on time! Don't be late for school! Don’t make noise in class! >>Practice Let’s make a list of our class rules . 1.Listen carefully and talk actively! 2.Don’t make noise in class! 3.Don't be late for class! 4.Don’t copy the homework! 5.Hand in your homework on time! 6.Don’t litter or spit ! 7.Don’t chase in the classroom! 8.Don’t fight or curse! 9.Don’t bring snacks and cell phones! 10.Wear school uniform! Look at the pictures and tell me our class rules. >> consolidation Don’t litter! Group work Don’t make noise in class! Group work Don’t copy the homework! Group work Hand in your homework on time! Group work Don't be late for school! Group work Don’t chase in the classroom! Group work Don’t fight or curse! Group work Group work Listen carefully and talk actively. Don’t bring snacks and cell phones! Group work Wear school uniform! Group work You can obey stars 5-7 items ★★★ 8-9 items ★★★★ 10 items ★★★★★ 1.Listen carefully and talk actively! 2.Don’t make noise in class! 3.Don't be late for class! 4.Don’t copy other’s homework! 5.Hand in your homework on time! 6.Don’t litter or spit! 7.Don’t chase in the classroom! 8.Don’t fight or curse! 9.Don’t bring snacks and cell phones! 10.Wear school uniform! >> Extended activities Don’t cross the street. Don’t spit on the ground. Don’t smoke in public places. Don't eat food in public places. Get on the bus in a line. Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards. 无规矩不成方圆 We should know : We should obey the rules at any time, at any places. 我们必须随时随地遵守规则。 《小学生一日行为规范歌》 背好书包上学校,站直行走不乱跑。 见到老师有礼貌,清晨问早午问好。 伫立肃穆升国旗,少先队员敬队礼。 早操过后爱祖国,革命传承不忘记。 走进教室端坐姿,精神饱满学知识, 勤于思考多发言,书写姿势要注意。 下课铃起直线行,楼内纪律要记清, 环境卫生保持好,室外游戏讲文明, 做操站队快静 ... ...

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