
Unit 6 Fruit story time 课件+教案(共16张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:81次 大小:20421781Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Merry Christmas Story time 目录 一、点击此处输入标题 四、点击此处输入标题 二、点击此处输入标题 五、点击此处输入标题 三、点击此处输入标题 六、点击此处输入标题 gifts Christmas tree A gift for you. Thank you. What is it? Oh no, a banana! Oh no, a fish! Do you like fish? Do you like bananas? We wish you a Merry Christmas. We wish you a Merry Christmas. We wish you a Merry Christmas. And a Happy New Year. We wish you a Merry Christmas. We wish you a Merry Christmas. We wish you a Merry Christmas. And a Happy New Year. 目录 一、点击此处输入标题 四、点击此处输入标题 二、点击此处输入标题 五、点击此处输入标题 三、点击此处输入标题 六、点击此处输入标题 目录 一、点击此处输入标题 四、点击此处输入标题 二、点击此处输入标题 五、点击此处输入标题 三、点击此处输入标题 六、点击此处输入标题 Role play homework 跟读故事音频,模仿语音语调 学唱Merry Christmas歌谣 Greentown Yuhua Hopetown School Lesson Plan Teacher: Freya 徐洁 Unit Unit6 Fruit Class 101 102 103 Period 第四课时 Aims 基础性目标: 通过听读故事前后的活动设置,学生可以借助图片听懂并理解故事内容; 通过老师逐图讲解、跟读故事音频,学生能够对故事图片作配音。 发展性目标: 通过视频导入以及老师的渗透,学生可以学会哼唱Merry Christmas的歌谣; 通过跟读故事,逐图讲解以及小组练习,学生能够尝试着将故事有感情地表演出来。 Key and difficult points 重点:认读句子并复述整个故事 难点:能够理解故事内容并尝试有感情地表演 Board design Merry Christmas Procedure Steps Activities Purposes Warm up: Watch a video about Christmas. T: Christmas is coming, so on Christmas, we should say Merry Christmas. Ss: Merry Christmas. T: today we are going to learn a story about Christmas. 渗透圣诞的节日氛围,导入今天的故事 Presentation: T: here are the pictures of this story, what can you see? Ss: Bill, Joy, Binbin, Yaoyao, Lucky, Andy... T: what else can you see? Ss: many gifts, Angel, tree… (teacher guides Ss to say “Christmas tree” and “Santa Claus”) T: can you guess what happened in the story? Ss: …. 锻炼学生看图说话的能力,帮助学生初步感知故事的大意; 给学生拓展一些圣诞的表达: Christmas tree, Santa Claus Learning: T: now let’s listen. Please listen carefully and tell me what did you hear in the story. Play the audio at least 2 times. Ss: A gift for you. / Thank you. / fish / bananas / do you like fish? / do you like bananas?... T: Ok, now let’s learn the story one picture by one picture. Story details T plays the audio picture by picture, making Ss read after the audio. Pay attention to their intonation. T asks them some additional questions of some pictures and teach the new word. Ss read the whole story after the audio one sentence by one sentence. 锻炼学生的听力以及口语表达 帮助学生听懂并理解故事内容 Application: Christmas song Teacher play the music of the story and show them the lyrics, encourage Ss to sing the Christmas song together. Group work T gives Ss 3 mins to practice the story. Ss work in a group to practice the sentences. 帮助学生学会哼唱Merry Christma ... ...

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