
Unit 6 Sunshine for all Reading 2 The Special Olympics World Games 课件28张

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:87次 大小:2303665Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) The Special Olympics World Games Unit 6 Reading 2 When Where Who The Special Olympics World Games Shanghai October 2007 children and adults with intellectual disabilities volunteers Talk about the Special Olympics World Games. Liu Ming a volunteer He worked as a swimming _____ for a boy called Li Hai. He felt it was great to work _____ with special athletes and help them _____ their dreams. Li Hai an athlete He was _____ with intellectual disabilities. He finished _____ at the games. He thinks the most important thing is not to _____ but to take part. He feels more _____ now. Complete the form about their experiences. coach closely achieve born fourth win confident the Special Olympics athletes games feelings meanings Special athletes They ___ _____ ____intellectual disabilities, but they never_____ ____ their dreams! were born with give up What does the Special Olympics mean to Li Hai? To Li Hai, the most important thing is not _____, but _____. not ... but ... 并列连词 不是……而是…… to win a gold or a silver to take part To Liu Ming, the most important thing is not _____(得到), but _____(给予). to receive to give What they need most is not _____(金钱), but _____(爱). money love Free talk with your partner The most important thing in my life is not ____ but ____. What I need most is not _____but _____. … Special games What events do the games include? They include many events _____. similar to those in the Olympics The Special Olympics World Games Are the athletes in the?Special Olympics similar to those in the Olympics? be similar to 与……相似 the smile on the boy’s face the smile on the girl’s face our dreams the events in the Special Olympics What are they similar to? the events in the Olympics their dreams Group A Group B He didn’t know _____. what to expect Before Now amazing fantastic Special feelings Liu Ming a swimming coach for Li Hai Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what to expect next. expect + that 从句 expect (sb) to do sth A: What do you expect to do? B: I expect to … Pair work What do you expect to do to help others? Liu Ming worked as a volunteer. n.志愿者 v.志愿做,主动做… volunteer (verb) volunteer for sth. volunteer to do sth. He volunteered for the Special Olympics. He volunteered to be the swimming coach for a young boy. the Health Centre the Cleaning Centre the Cooking Centre Look and guess: What do they volunteer to do in different centers? They volunteer to… the Sports Centre Imagine (想象) what he did! Liu Ming volunteered to be a swimming coach for Li Hai. Was it easy for Liu Ming to teach Li Hai? What do you think of Liu Ming? It is _____ of Liu Ming to teach Li Hai. kind, helpful, nice, patient, … Liu Ming is It is _____ for Liu Ming to teach Li Hai. difficult, hard… necessary amazing receive training before doing the tasks solve difficult problems quickly … It’s + adj. + for the volunteers + to do sth. It’s + adj. + of the ... ...

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