
Unit 6 Sunshine for all Reading 1 The Special Olympics World Games 课件25张

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:68次 大小:5168640Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 6 Sunshine for all Reading II To be a volunteer for the Special Olympics Know Reasons Get Prepared Grasp Chances Learn about the Olympics Improve skills Develop Olympic spirit Know reasons to be volunteers Liu Ming wants to get a chance to take photos with some famous players. Liu Ming expects to make money as a swimming coach. Liu Ming feels like training the athletes as a swimming coach. Think about Liu Ming’s reasons Volunteering is giving, not receiving. Volunteering is giving, not receiving. Miss Jin expects to/ wants to get a chance to /feels like ______as a volunteer for the Special Olympics. Guess Miss Jin’s reasons Know reasons to be volunteers Get prepared to be volunteers Task 1 Learn about the Special Olympics Retell with mind map A. It includes _____. two people and an eye look like / be similar to It looks like/ is similar to an eye/ two people holding arms. Understand the Olympic Logos Task 1: Learn about the Special Olympics Know reasons to be volunteers Get prepared to be volunteers Task 1 Learn about the Special Olympics Taks 2 Improve Skills Retell with the mind map It is necessary for these volunteers to receive training. Many _____ (volunteer) _____ (volunteer) _____( help )those special athletes in 2007. volunteers volunteered to help It’s necessary for Miss Jin to learn_____ before working as the volunteer. --communication skills --skills to check --skills to give advice Learn from Miss Jin’s skills Superman Harry Potter Yourself Make dialogues—which hero can be a good volunteer A:Why do you think ____will be a good volunteer B:… A:What can he volunteer to do B: … Will you be a good volunteer, too A: … Know reasons to be volunteers Get prepared to be volunteers Task 1 Learn about the Special Olympics Task 2 Improve skills Task 3 Develop Olympic spirit I _____ my spare time to help others. gave up Talk about Olympic Spirit Don’t give up running jumping fighting DON’T GIVE UP HOPE. Let me win, but if I can not win let me be be brave in the attempt. Learn from Li Ming’s spirit Task 3 Develop Olympic spirit The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part. Coubertin Father of Modern Olympics To Lihai, the most important thing is not to win a gold or silver, but to take part. not sth. but sth. not doing sth. but doing sth. not to do sth. but to do sth. Talk about the most important thing in life Task 3 Develop Olympic spirit The most important thing in life is not_____ but _____. The most important thing in life is not to_____ but to _____. family house success money health nice car Know reasons to be volunteers Get prepared to be volunteers Grasp chances to be volunteers 点击此处添加文本 1 Task 2: write an application letter Dear chairperson, I would like to be a volunteer for the 2021 Special Olympics World Games in Alberta, Canada.The Special Olympics are held every four years. _____. Let me introduce myself firs ... ...

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