
Unit 4 Road safety Story time 教案

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:44次 大小:245766Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 4 Road safety Story time 教学目标: 1、在情景中整体理解Story time的内容。 2、在 Storytime 的学习过程中掌握有关道路交通方面的新词 road, light, zebra crossing, pavement, look out for, easily, rules, follow,体会情态动词must及其否定must not 的用法,并能简单区分形容词safe,名词safety及副词safely的不同。 能用正确的语音语调朗读Story time。 能理解道路安全知识,尝试用英语说说道路交通规则。 能牢记过马路的交通规则,树立安全意识。 教学重点: 能理解道路安全知识,尝试用英语说说道路交通规则。 在 Storytime 的学习过程中掌握有关道路交通方面的新词 road, light, zebra crossing, pavement, look out for, easily, rules, follow,must,safety,safely。 教学难点: 1、体会情态动词must及其否定must not 的用法,并能简单区分形容词safe,名词safety及副词safely的不同。 2、能牢记过马路的交通规则,树立安全意识。 教学过程: Step 1Warming up 1 Free talk Do you get up early? Do you do your homework late at night? Do you eat a lot of ice cream at a time? Do you litter in the playground? Do you listen to your teachers at school? 2 T:You have good habits at school and at home. Do you do well on the road, too? 3 Now let’s play a game: Yeah,yeah,yeah. No, no, no.Learn the new word: rule 规则 游戏规则如下: 判断你所得到信息是否正确。 如果是正确的,请大声说“Yeah,yeah, yeah”, 如果是错误的,请大声说“No, no,no” 。 Step 2 presentation 1、揭题:Today we will talk about road safety. Teach: safety (food safety, traffic safety) safe (safe planes, stay safe) stay (stay at home, stay in bed) safely (drive safely, walk safely) 2、Show a picture and learn the new words. Teach: road (coat, boat, on the road) Pavement (paper, moment, wait on the pavement) crossing, zebra crossing (cross, cross the road) traffic lights 3、Know the meaning of the red light, the green light, the yellow light 归纳总结情态动词的意思及用法。 4、Let’s return to road safety. There are many busy roads in the cities. How can we cross the road safely? To keep safe, we must follow some rules. Let’s learn some traffic rules. Step3 Learn Story time A: Learn the first part (1)、Watch and judge We should cross the road at the zebra crossing. ( ) 2. We can cross the road at any time.( ) (2) Read and answer How can you cross them safely?First … , then… (3)Try to say : At the zebra crossing First Look for … Then Look at the… and wait for the… (4) What is green man? What is red man? What do they mean? Listen to the policeman. Let’s read. B: Learn the second part But sometimes you cannot find a zebra crossing near you. How can we cross the road safely? (1)Read by yourselves. And try to get the main information. (2)Line down the answers of these questions. Questions: ①Where must we wait before we cross the road? ②How should we look out for the traffic?③Is it a good idea to cross the road with other people? Why? Teach: look out of(当心狗) (3)Try to say how to cross the road when there’s no zebra crossing. C: Learn the third part Now, look what are the boys doing: Ss: Some boys are playing football by the road. A boy i ... ...

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