
Unit 4 Then and now PB Read and write课件(15张PPT)+素材

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:72次 大小:9781001Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件15张PPT。英语六年级 下册 Then and now第5课时Unit 4Warming upI didn't like winter before. Before,before,before. I thought it was too cold, Cold,cold,cold.表演唱自编的歌曲展示自己设计的小时候和现在外貌的对比绘画图PresentationDid he win the race?Why?Who did Wu Yifan have a race with?312PracticePlay a game 趣味制图 分别描述自己做过的一个梦,其他同学根据自己的描述,猜出你的梦境,画出系列图。对话内容要至少用三次一般过去式句型。Consolidation(  )1.There _____ten trees in front of the museum. A.did     B.were    C.was (  )2.A _____can run very fast. A.sheep B.cow C.cheetah (  )3.They_____a race with Class Four yesterday. A.had B.have C.has (  )4.I _____like summer before. A.didn't B.don't C.doesn't (  )5.Chen Ling_____some pictures of Big Ben last years. A.took B.rode C.hurt一、单项选择BCBAAWu Yifan:Mum,I had an interesting dream last night. Mum:What did you dream about? Wu Yifan:I had a race with Dad and Max,but I couldn't run fast. Mum:What happened then? Wu Yifan:Robin gave me some water.I drank it and then could run very fast.Suddenly I tripped and fell.Then I woke up. Mum:What a dream! (  )1.Wu Yifan had an interesting dream last night. (  )2.He had a race with Mum and Max in his dream. (  )3.Robin gave him some milk.He drank it and then could run very fast. (  )4.He tripped and fell in his dream.Then he woke up. (  )5.At last(最后)Wu Yifan could win the race.二、判断正(T)误(F)。TFFTFSumming up1.Words and phrases:dreamfelt cheetahtrip woke(1)There were so many people there.2.Sentences:(3)Wu Yifan drank it and he suddenly felt good.(2)Why am I so slow?这节课我的收获是:_____ ____ _ 这节课我的不足是:_____ __小结Homework1.将Read and write 部分的短文读给家长或朋友听。 2.结合本课学习内容写一个你做过的梦。

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