
Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? Section B(2a-2d)课件+同步练习+音视频

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:60次 大小:11392560Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? Section B(2a-2d) There is something important happening in the world every day Pre-reading On April 15, 2019, Notre Dame de Paris (巴黎圣母院) was on fire, and most of the building were burnt down. Look at the pictures and the title in the passage. What do you think the passage is about? Do You Remember What You Were Doing? 2a What do you think the passage is about? The passage talks about the future events. The passage talks about the present events. The passage talks about the past events. The title can be helpful for you to understand a text. While-reading Dr. Martin Luther King was killed. The World Trade Center in New York was taken down (by terrorists). Para. Para. What are the events? 1&2 3&4 33 The first event 1.What was the event? 2.When did it happen? 3.Where did it happen? 5. How did his family feel? 4. What was Robert Allen doing? Dr. Martin Luther King . . was killed. On April 4,1968. Eating dinner Completely shocked In America Para1&2 My parents did not talk after that, and we finished the rest of our dinner in silence. Why did they feel sad when they heard the news about Martin Luther King’s death? extended-reading 马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King, 1929年1月15日-1968年4月4日), 著名的美国民权运动领袖。1948年大学毕业。1948年至1951年期间,在美国东海岸的费城继续深造。1963年,马丁·路德·金晋见了肯尼迪总统,要求通过新的民权法,给黑人以平等的权利。 What do Para.3&4 tell us? The World Trade Center in New York was taken down by . terrorists The second event 33 The second event 1.What was the event? 2.When did it happen? 3.Where did it happen? 5. How did she feel? 4. What was Kate Smith doing? The World Trade Center . . was taken down. On September 11,2001. Working at first, didn't believe In New York Para3&4 so scared never forget unbelievable scared unforgetable ___ 1. Everyone in America remembers who killed Dr. King. ___ 2. Robert Allen was eating lunch when Dr. King was killed. ___ 3. Robert’s parents were shocked to hear the news. ___ 4. Kate Smith was watching a movie when a plane hit the World Trade Center. ___ 5. Kate didn’t think her friend was telling the truth about the event. F F T F T dinner working in her office Some people may not remember Read the passage again. Are the following statements true (T) or false (F),or is the information not given (NG)? 2c 1. Not everyone will remember who killed him, but they can remember what they were doing when they heard that he got killed. 2. No one said anything for the rest of dinner. 3. September 11, 2001— the date alone means something to most people in the US. 4. I had trouble thinking clearly after that because I was very afraid. Find out sentences from the passage with similar meanings to the ones below. 2d People often _____ what they _____ when they _____ the news of important events in history. Robert Allen _____ dinner with his parents _____ he _____ th ... ...

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