
Unit 6 Work quietly PB Let’s learn 课件(16张PPT)+素材

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:40次 大小:5360214Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件16张PPT。英语五年级 下册Unit 6Work quietiy!Period 3 Part B Let , s learn& Loo k ,match and sayWarming upWhat is Sarah doing?She is eating lunch.Whose book is that?It's mine.What are they doing?They are jumping.What are you doing?I am reading a book.having…classeating lunchreading a book listening to musiccutethey like bamboo.Do you see any elephants?Look there!PresentationLook at the picture.What is he doing?He is walking.We are walking on a way.What must we do?Keep to the rightFollow me read it:Keep to the rightlearn other phrase and sentences:Keep your desk clean. Talk quietlyTake turns.Can we use your crayons?OK. Take turns. Talk quietly, please.DrillsGuess.(Students according to picture say sentence.)2. Finish exercises of page “Look, match and say”3. Teacher do action, Students say sentences.Keep your desk clean. Talk quietlyTake turns.Can we use your crayons?OK. Take turns. Talk quietly, please.Consolidationtalk quietly B. take turns C. turn quietly B. talk quietly C.exercises( ) 2.小声讲话( ) 1.按顺序来一、给下列汉语选择正确的英语一、给下列汉语选择正确的英语。BBeat dinner B. eat lunch C. eat breakfast keep to the right B. keep to the left C. on the right( ) 4.靠右( ) 3.吃晚饭A A 二、图文配对。(连线)1.No smoking 2.Turn left.3.No eating!4.Be quiet!5. No parking!三、连词成句。(注意大小写和标点符号)the, monkey, doing, what's, little (?) _____ 2. drinking, is, water, the, elephant (.) _____3. they, are, doing, what (?) _____What’s the littlemonkey doing ? The elephant is drinking water. What they are doing ? Summing up and Summary这节课有什么收获,还有什么疑问?Homework完成课堂作业。

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