
Unit3 What subject do you like best?(Lesson14) 课件(25张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:88次 大小:4734995Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件25张PPT。人教精通版四(下)教材Lesson 14Unit 3 What subject do you like best?Class 5, Grade 4ChineseEnglishEnglishChineseHow many lessons do you have in the afternoon???PEDo you like ?Class 5, Grade 4ChineseEnglishEnglishChineseHow many lessons do you have in the afternoon??PEDo you like ?…artHow many, how many, How many lessons do you have? We have four. We have four. Music, Chinese, English, and art. Do you like them? Do you like them? Yes, I do. Yes, I do.Let’s chant.musicEnglishChinesemathsWe should love all(所有的) the subjects.(学科) It’s never too late to start.(现在行动起来也不晚。)Read in groups. (小组读课文) Act out the dialogue. (表演本课对话) Let’s show.(以小组为单位,设计一张炫彩课程表,并向大家介绍你们一天的课程安排及科目喜好。)The Foreign Schools In Russia(俄罗斯),the students have five lessons in the morning. They can leave(离开)school at 1:00 pm. The Brazilian(巴西的) students like PE best. They like playing football very much.In Singapore, the students have ten lessons every day.Homework:必做:1. Read and recite the dialogue. (读,背课文) 2. Preview L15. (预习第15课) 选做:搜集学习其它学科的英文名称。

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