

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:71次 大小:5471232Byte 来源:二一课件通
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书面表达 考点一 应用文 1.(2019浙江台州)似如你是李华, 一个英国游学团要来你们学校, 学校需要一些志愿者, 你想成为其中的一员。请读下面的招雾启事, 写一封应征邮件。 Volunteers Wanted Some students from the UK will come to our school to have a study tour. They are interested in Chinese culture. We’ relooking for some volunteers to help us. "Can you introduce yourself(English ability and personality)? Can you plan an activity about Chinese culture and explain your purpose? If you are interested, please email us at Andrew@l63. com. 注意: (1)请回复招募启事中所提及的两个问题, 可适当发挥; (2)应征邮件中不得出现真实人名和校名等相关信息; (3)词数: 80~100; (4)邮件开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数。 Dear Andrew, I’m Li Hua._____ _____ 参考范文: Dear Sir, My name is Li Hua.I'm a 17-year-old girl from Class 3 ,Grade 2.I would like to become a volunteer for the American students.My English is good and I can talk with foreigner fluently.In addition,I'm interested in sports,which is why ?I'm in good health.When my friends get in trouble,I often help them actively.I'm good at taking up with others.Besides I like travelling a lot and I'm quite familiar with our city.I plan to organize an activity about Chinese traditional culture so that British friends can? understand China better.I'm sure I can become friends with the?English students.Looking forward to your answers. 2.(2019湖南邵阳)每年三月的最后一个星期一是“全国中小学安全教育日”。为了提高同学们的安全意识,学校决定在毕业前再举行一次以安全教育为主题的班会。请根据所给提示,就日常生活中需要注意的安全写一篇英语发言稿。 提示: 1. 上学、放学途中的安全; 2. 校园里的安全; 3. 家里的安全。 要求: 1.80词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 2. 语法正确,语句通顺、流畅; 3. 文中不得出现真实姓名、校名。 Hello, everyone. The last Monday in March every year is National Safety Education Day of Primary and Middle School Students. As middle school students, we should _____ _____ _____Safety is very important. We should always keep it in mind. Thank you! 参考范文: Hello,?everyone!?The?last?Monday?in?March?every?year?is?National?Safety?Education?Day?of?Primary?and?Middle?School?Students.?As?middle?school?students,?we?should?pay more attention to safety.To be safe,we must follow rules. When we go to school or go home from school,we must follow the traffic rules For?example,we?must?walk?on?walk-side.When?we?cross?zebra-crossing,?stop?and?look?right?and?left,then?go?across?the road fast. We mustn't run through red lights when crossing the road.Don't?play?football?on?the?road.? At school ,don't push when we go upstairs or downstairs,or we may hurt ourselves or others.Never use sharp things like the knife when we play with our classmates。We should get on well with our classmates.Don't fight with them, or we'll be hurt. ? At home,we should be careful when we use electricity.If there is a fire or a thief,we should call the police for help in time.Also,food satety is important. Never ea ... ...

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