

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:30次 大小:1023490Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Robots Reading What’s a robot? A robot is a machine designed to do jobs that are usually performed by humans. They are programmed and controlled by a computer. Let’s look at some pictures and see what robots can look like. Robots can be made into all kinds of things. Types of robots Industrial robots used in manufacturing Domestic robots such as vacuum cleaners and lawn mowers; Entertainment robots such as toys and those in theme parks; Robots used in toxic waste clean-up and in underwater and space exploration; … Reading Satisfaction Guaranteed Asimov’s first law for robots: A robot must not injure human being or allow them to be injured. In this case the injury is not a physical one but a psychological one. About the writer: Isaac Asimov How many characters are mentioned ? Who are they? What are they? What is the relation between them? Skimming QuestionsⅠ Larry Belmont Claire Tony Gladys Claffern A robot One of the richest and most powerful women around. worked for a company that makes robots housewife couple was to be tested out by Claire in their family a woman that Claire envies 1. Why did Larry bring a robot back home? A. To help his wife. B. To test out the robot. C. To accompany his wife. D. For entertainment. -- 本题旨在帮助大家练习主旨大意归纳能力。 主旨归纳忌讳面面俱到追求理解的彻底完美。 可采用扫读, 跳读(scan, skim)。 For the main idea. B Read the text carefully and answer the questions: QuestionsⅡ 2. What kind of robot was Tony? A. an industrial robot B. an entertainment C. a robot that can carries out jobs in the house D. a robot that can carries out jobs in the shop 3. Who did Claire turn to for help when a sales man was rude to her in the shop. A. Tony B. her husband C. The manager of the shop D. Gladys 4. Why did Gladys envy Claire? Because _____. A. she had a handsome friend B. she was beautiful C. she was rich D. she is powerful For details C A A 5. Why should Tony be rebuilt? Because _____. A. he harms people B. it can not help the housewife in the family C. it is too frightening D. we can not have women falling in love with machines Make inference D The change of Claire’s feeling to Tony unwilling to accept proud of him alarmed embarrassed, disturbed and frightened trust fall in love QuestionsⅢ Which law is the story “Satisfaction Guaranteed” based on? 2. What might happen in a world where there were robots if Asimov’s three laws did not exist? Discussion 阿西莫夫机器人三大定律: 机器人不得伤害人类,或看到人类受到伤害而袖手旁观; 在不违反第一定律的前提下,机器人必须绝对服从人类给与的任何命令; 在不违反第一定律和第二定律的前提下,机器人必须尽力保护自己。 . Larry was going to be away from home so he hired a robot to accompany his wife Claire. 2. Claire didn’t like the idea at the beginning, but at last she agreed to it. 3. When Tony offered to help dressing, Claire was pleased to accept it. But she thought it was surprising for a robot to be so hum ... ...

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