
Unit 8 Detective stories 单元综合测试卷(含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:29次 大小:230895Byte 来源:二一课件通
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9A Unit8 Detective stories单元综合测试卷 提优版 一、单项选择 ( )1. One of the suspects is _____ schoolboy. A. a 18-year-old B. an 18-years-old C. a 18 years old D. an 18-year-old ( )2. Paul was charged _____ murder. Also he was guilty _____ theft. A. on, of B. with, about C .with, of D. about, of ( )3. The police can’t confirm if the suspect is guilty because he could prove he was _____ at the time of the crime. A. else somewhere B. somewhere else C. everywhere else D. else anywhere ( )4. When Linda returned to the classroom, she found her watch _____. A. missing B. missed C. 1osing D. 1ose ( )5. Who can _____ that he did his homework on his own yesterday? A. insist B. ask C. confirm D. offer ( )6. -- Don’t forget _____ off the TV when you finish watching this play. -- OK, _____. A. to turn; I won’t B. turning; I won’t C. to turn; I will D. turning; I will ( )7. _____ the evening of December 25, the poor boy was _____. A. On; kidnapped B. In; kidnapping C. At; kidnapped D. In; kidnapped ( )8. -- A college girl named Jiang Ge from Qing Dao was killed in Japan. -- Yes. What a pity! The _____ was a 24-year-old pretty girl. A. witness B. victim C. worker D. detective ( )9. Anita improved her way of study. _____, she has made much progress. A. In all B. As usual C. In other words D. As a result ( )10. Our house _____ yesterday. Look at the footprints on the floor. A. was broken into B. was breaking into C. broken into D. broke into ( )11. I thought the job would be a success. But it _____ to be a mess(乱七八糟)! A. turned into B. turned out C. turned away D. turned off ( )12. The kidnapping _____ in Moon Town _____ between 7 p.m. and 10 p.m.yesterday. A. took place; sometime B. was took place; some time C. was happened; some times D. happened; sometime ( )13. -- Do you know Tu Youyou? -- Of course. She is the famous pharmacist(药学家)_____ won the Nobel Prize in 2015. A. who B. whom C. which D. / ( )14. The victim was last _____ in the library at 9:00 a.m. yesterday. A. looked reading B. seeing reading C. seen to read D. seen reading ( )15. People didn’t know _____ last night. A. what was happened B. what the murder happened C. what happened D. how the murder has happened 二、完形填空 “These are tulip bulbs(郁金香),” Grandpa explains to Ava, “I like to call them patient plants.” “Why?” “Because they wait all winter __1__ they start to grow.” Together, they pick a special place in the garden. Then Grandpa teaches Ava __2__ to plant them carefully. “Make sure you plant them pointing up,” __3__ advises. “And plant them about a hand’s length deep. Squirrels love to dig them __4__ and eat them!” “When will they start to grow?” asks Ava as she carefully tamps(压实)down the garden __5___. “In spring,” replies Grandpa. “__6__ that’s so far away,” Ava shouts. “Then you will have to be like the tulips,” smiles Grandpa. “You will have to become a __7__ gardener.” So she tries. She watches and wa ... ...

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