
Unit6 Enjoying Cycling Topic 1 We're going on a three-day visit to Mount Tai. Section D课件35张PPT

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:66次 大小:67574784Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) * 1.通过阅读文本,积累写作素材。 2.通过分析文本,掌握写作的基本要素。 3.通过小组交流,提高自己的表达交流能力。 4.通过方法引导,能够书写关于旅游的文章。 5.通过分享,培养劳逸结合的快乐学习态度。 Learning objective Free talk 1. When and Where did you go? 2.Who did you go with? 3.How did you get there? 4.How was the weather ? Last summer holiday I went to Beijing with my family. We went there by train. The weather was sunny/cloudy/nice/fine/pleasant. My trip See the sunrise On the first day lost myself in the beautiful scenery 沉醉于美景 on the second day It was really a nice place to visit What’s more… The happiest thing for me was to… Mount Fuji cherry blossom Number the sentences to form a passage about Sandy’s trip to Japan. ( ) But the most interesting thing for me was to take photos. I love to take photos with my friends in beautiful places. ( )On the third day of our trip, we climbed Mount Fuji. It was snowing when we got to the top. I was so excited that I didn’t feel cold at all. ( 1 )Our plane left Beijing at 7:30 a.m. and landed safely in Japan after about four hours. The weather was pleasant. ( ) During our trip, in the evenings, I sometimes went swimming in the pool, while my best friend, Kelly, always went shopping. ( )The next day, we went to a famous park. It was really an interesting place to visit . ( ) I enjoyed the trip very much, so I want to travel there again. 2 4 3 5 6 _____ _____ _____ 1.How many parts in this passage? Our plane left Beijing at 7:30 a.m. and landed safely in Japan after about four hours. The weather was pleasant. The next day, we went to a famous park. It was really an interesting place to visit .On the third day of our trip, we climbed Mount Fuji. It was snowing when we got to the top. I was so excited that I didn’t feel cold at all. During our trip, in the evenings, I sometimes went swimming in the pool, while my best friend, Kelly, always went shopping. But the most interesting thing for me was to take photos. I love to take photos with my friends in beautiful places. I enjoyed the trip very much, so I want to travel there again. 2.what‘s the tense(时态)? Our plane left Beijing at 7:30 a.m. and landed safely in Japan after about four hours. The weather was pleasant. The next day, we went to a famous park. It was really an interesting place to visit .On the third day of our trip, we climbed Mount Fuji. It was snowing when we got to the top. I was so excited that I didn’t feel cold at all. During our trip, in the evenings, I sometimes went swimming in the pool, while my best friend, Kelly, always went shopping. But the most interesting thing for me was to take photos. I love to take photos with my friends in beautiful places. I enjoyed the trip very much, so I want to travel there again. 3.What‘s the grammatic person(人称)? Our plane left Beijing at 7:30 a.m. and landed safely in Japan after about four hours. The weather was pleasa ... ...

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