
新世纪版英语高三年级第二学期-Unit 4 Space Exploration 课件(共34张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:16次 大小:3783910Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) The History The Present The Future What we need Space Exploration History Space has always been the final frontier for mankind and space exploration is the key to discovering the immense universe that surrounds our planet. Since ancient times, people have dreamed of leaving their home planet to explore other worlds. In the second century AD a Greek writer named Lucian wrote a story about a trip to the moon. He did not even know how far the moon was but his story revealed that the idea of space travel was certainly not new. Much later in 1865, the French novelist Jules Verne wrote a story in which his travelers were fired from the earth to the moon in a hollow globe shot out of the barrel of a big gun. He was careful to give the correct speed, 11.2 km/s which is the escape velocity of earth. Serious work on space exploration started after the 1950’s when rocketry and rocket science understanding and engineering made it possible to reach outer space. This was the beginning of a new era in human history and the discovery of space exploration started. In 1957, the Russians successfully launched the first satellite Sputnik-I, carrying a radio transmitter. The first American satellite Explorer-I followed in the subsequent year. in 1961, Vostok-I the first manned space flight by the Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was launched. In 1969,Neil Armstrong became the first person to land on the surface of the Moon. Present situation of space exploration 1、United States is leader in space exploration 2、Russia reshapes the image of Aerospace 3、The present situation of China's space exploration The USA The United States is earlier explorer in space activities, and has the highest technological level of space exploration. The USA 美国利用“阿波罗”计划剩余的土星运载火箭和载人飞船作为运输系统以及积累的技术成果,将“土星”5号运载火箭的末级改装成了美国第一个试验性空间站“天空实验室”。American Saturn launch vehicles and manned spacecraft "Apollo" plan remaining as the transport system as well as the accumulation of technological achievements, "Saturn" the final stage modified carrier rocket became the first experimental space station "Skylab 天空实验室的结构Skylab’s structure Perform a spacewalk to repair Skylab The USA In the early 1980s, in order to meet the challenges of industrialization and militarization of space in the 21st century, the United States began the plan of the construction of the space station. The internal structure of the International Space Station International Space Station The USA Space shuttle is a multipurpose spacecraft with important civilian and military value. It means a major leap in the development of U.S. aerospace technology. the landing of the Endeavour space shuttle 国际空间站_视频在线观看 - 56.com Russia The former Soviet Union regarded manned space flight as an important part of the entire space program. With the principle of “step by step”, S.U. gradually f ... ...

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