
八上Unit 6 Bird watching 课内外阅读区级公开课(17张+音频等素材)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:44次 大小:38827231Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件17张PPT。BirdwatchingWhat can you see from the video?Passage1 Birdwatching3. What do we need to watch birds? 2. Guess the meaning of the underlined word“identify”. 4. What else do we need to watch birds?A pair of binoculars, a field guide and love for birds.1. Read quickly for the topic. The passage is about .how to watch birdsMake out(认出).(To watch birds, all you need is a pair of binoculars, a field guide and love for birds?)a field guidelove for birds.BirdwatchingWhere?binocularsa notebook a pena camerawatera mobile phonePassage2 Zhalong--a special placePassage2 Zhalong--a special placeThere are not many cranes left in the world, and 40 percent of them live in Zhalong. There are a few cranes left in the world, and some of them live in Zhalong. The cranes are in danger.Zhalong Nature Reserve is important to cranes. Which sentence is better? What’s the writing purpose(目的) of the article? To help people understand the importance of the wetlands.To encourage people to take actions to protect the wetlands.A poem Different people’s 1 .The 2 .The Birdwatching Society 3 . The 4 .governmentmemberstouristsThe ? The ? actions Elk Nature ReserveRed-crowned Cranes Nature ReservePassage3 Find more reasons: Why should we protect the wetlands? 1).To provide food and cover for the wildlife. 2).To help protect nature and resources.3).To keep the balance of nature in the world. If you’re the writer, what are you going to write after the last paragraph?Activities held on World Wetlands Day.Have a speech competition in our school.Make a speech: Good morning everybody! It's my honor to speak here, and I am very glad to share my topic with you. Today I'd like to talk something about...... ...... ...... Thank you for listening. That's all.Wildlife are our good friends. Let’s take actions to protect them!Homework: 1.Make and share a brochure(宣传手册). 2.Search the website www.chinabirdnet.org for more information about birdwatching.What will you want to say if you are a…? (choose one of the members to finish their talks ) a worker: I’m a worker in Zhalong Nature Reserve, Zhalong is in Heilongjiang … a bird/crane: I live in Zhalong, I have many friends there. .… a farmer: I want to change the wetlands to make more space for farms …so we should protect these rare birds.. a member of Birdwatching Club: I’m studying the different kinds of birds………… Passage2 Zhalong--a special place3. Choose the main idea of each paragraph and fill in the blanks in the passage with the correct letters. P1. About Zhalong Nature Reserve. P2. About birds in Zhalong. P3. Birds in Zhalong are in danger. P4. Most people can help count and describe the birds. P5. What the Birdwatching Society members do. Passage2 Zhalong--a special place5. Writing characteristics(特点) P1. About Zhalong Nature Reserve. P2. About birds in Zhalong. P3. Birds in Zhalong are in danger. P4. More people can help count and describe the birds. P5. What the Birdwatching Society members do. Int ... ...

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