
模块6 Unit 2 What is happiness to you? Reading(2):The search for happiness 课件(20张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:55次 大小:1264168Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Why fewer is better? Show me a big smile! Trust me! Follow me! Which study is better? more fewer two sudies two liferstyles minimalist lifestyle (极简主义生活方式) Read for general idea What’s the author’s main purpose in writing the text? A. To argue how to define “rich” B. To introduce Chinese youth’s lifestyle C. To promote a minimalist lifestyle D. To give tips how to lead a simple life C Read for the detail Activity 1 (para 1-3) 1. What inspired Lin Hanxing to live a simple life? An online challenge introduced by Joshua Becker, an A_____ blogger, who p_____ a minimalist lifestyle and encouraged people to reduce the number of their b_____ to fewer than 100. merican romoted elongings 2. In order to be a minimalist, how did Lin Hanxing change her life? Firstly, she r_____ (=got rid of ) 90 percent of her stuff and stopped p_____ unnecessary stuff. Secondly, in her digital life, she deleted 120 c_____(联系人) she never spoke to from her social media. Consequently, Lin had a good m____and r_____ stress. emoved urchasing ontacts ood elieved The change of Lin Hanxing Lin’s focus outer o_____ mind Following the minimalist lifestyle makes Lin feel happier. bjects inner feeling heart spirit Activity 2 (para 4-5) 1. In paragraph 4, “ the opposite” refers to_____. Owning less was true. Owning less was the way to lead a rich life. 2. What kinds of people are more likely to have a minimalist lifestyle? Those who are educated and well-off are are more likely to have a minimalist lifestyle. Activity 3 (para 6-8) Fill in the blanks. It is reported that Chinese y_____ spend less on p_____, but more on short h_____ and watching movies. In other words, Chinese young people t_____ to pursue a life about culture. outh ossessions olidays end Read for Deep Understanding 1. According to this passage, a typical minimalist tends to _____. A. be fed up with (=be sick of=be tired of) materialism (拜金主义,物质主义) B. attach great importance to experience instead of buying stuff C. be disappointed with his or her current life D. be environmentally friendly and live with fewer things A B D A smiple life makes a minimalist feel happier. Optimistic and positive attitude to life 2. According to your understanding of minimalism, which one is more appropriate? A. Minimalism is a healthy lifestyle that is in conflict with modern life. B. Minimalism means people have to sacrifice some pleasure to live simply. C. Minimalism limits people’s freedom to enjoy their lives to the fullest. D.Minimalism enables people to reflect on what truly counts in their lives. D 3. Why fewer is better? belongings unhelpful contacts ... ... mood/ feeling/attitudes experience ... ... extra possessions unnecessary/extra stuff unnecessary purchases learning quality of life spiritual space Discuss & Writing Mary, 30-year-old, lives in Shanghai. As a member of the “hand-chopping mafia” (剁手党),she is crazy about buying stuff. ... ...

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