
外研版英语八年级下Module 3 Journey to space Unit 2 We have not found life on any other planets yet导学案(1课时无答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:44次 大小:15167Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module3 unit2导学案 【目标导学】 1. I am able to know some key words and phrases; 我能熟知关键词汇和短语。 2. I am able to understand the passage about universe; 我能读懂关于宇宙的英语短文。 3. I am able to write a science story with present perfect . 我能用现在完成时写一个小的科学故事。 Lead-in(引入) 1. Read the new words aloud. 根据音标,读出新单词并说出对应的中文意思。 2. Let’s think (1) How many planets are there in our solar system? (2) Is there any life on other planets? 3. Enjoy the video. 看视频,领略宇宙之浩瀚。 Pre-reading(读前) 1. Read and watch. Choose the best title. 阅读文章,观看视频,选择最佳标题,书P20 Act. 2 While-reading(读中) 【Tips: 阅读课文前, 请先给课文的自然段标号;把握每个自然段的大意,即可轻松完成】 1. What has the passage already talked about? Para 1 _____ Para 2-3 _____ Para 4 _____ Para 5 _____ Careful reading: 2. Read Para 1-2 and answer the questions. (1) Is there life out there in space? _____ (2) Is earth a planet or a star? _____ (3) What is called solar system? _____ 3. Read Para 2-3 and put the words in order. galaxy, planet, solar system, star, universe _____<_____<_____<_____<_____ 4. Read Para 4-5 and finish the exercise. (1) What have scientists done in space travel? Scientists _____ to Mars to take photos. They _____ to travel outside. However, no spaceships _____ to other stars. (2) How many questions have scientists asked? _____. Post-reading(读后) 1. Look at the picture and answer the questions. 看图回答问题P21 Act. 5 2. Write a passage to describe the picture. 写一篇文章来描述图片P21 Act. 6 【Tips: 利用Act.5的回答】 3. Complete the passage. 完成文章 P21 Act. 4 【知识要点】 1. 请在书本上划出重点短语。 【Tips: 请把对应的中文也写在课本上】 1. 在地球上 2. 数以亿计的 3. 数十亿的星星 4. 环绕 5. 一个也没(三个以上) 6. 太阳系 7. 一小部分 8. 在宇宙中 9. 做…是不可能的 10. 足够远 11. 在太空里 12. 与…交流 2. 重点知识(PPT 第26-29页) 【Tips: 请对照PPT自行学习并完成PPT中的练习,务必做笔记!】 (1) hundreds of millions of 数亿…… 练习: 1. It is said that the disease has killed more than_____ people worldwide. A. two hundreds B. two hundreds’ C. two hundred’s D. two hundred 2. _____ Chinese are looking for ways to learn English well. A. Thousand B. Thousands C. Thousand of D. Thousands of (2) none 可用来回答how many或how much的提问 no one 可用来回答who的提问 练习: (1) —How many birds can you see in the picture? —_____. (2) —Who is in the room? —_____. (3) —How many cakes are there in the fridge? — _____ (4) _____ (None / No one) writes to me but you. (3)communicate作及物动词时,意为“表达,传达”;作不及物动词时,意为“沟通,交流”,常与介词with连用 练习: (1) 玛丽(Mary)经常与她的老师们交流。 Mary often _____ her teachers. (2) 在他的帮助下,我们试着向父母表达了我们的感情。 With his help, we tried to _____ our feelings to our parents. 【检测评学】 1. 然而我们还没有在其他行星上找到生命。 However, we _____ life on any other planets _____. 2. 地球是一个行星并且它围绕太阳转动。 The earth is a planet ... ...

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