
Unit 3 The world of colours and ligh Project(1) 课件(32张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:39次 大小:7232008Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Project(1) Making a small book about unusual pictures M8 U3 sketch watercolur watercolour Brainstorming What are commonly used materials in our paintings? pencils paper eraser paintbrushes watercolors oil paints easel [?i?zl] n.画架 canvas ?[?k?nv?s]?n.帆布;?画布 palette [?p?l?t]] n.调色板 Commonly used materials Have you heard of pictures drawn by means of sand? Welcome and enjoy a video on how to make sand paintings. cross-stitch 十字绣 Learning aims: At the end of the class, we are able to?: 1. know about how to make unusual pictures mentioned on the activity web page; 2.make and recommend these unusual pictures; 3. reflect on what role the art of painting plays in our daily life. Fast-reading Read an article quickly from an activity web page for children about making unusual pictures and find out the following information: 1. What’ s the article mainly about? 2.How many unusual ways to create pictures are mentioned in the passage? What are they? 3. What are the common characteristics of unusual pictures? 1. What’ s the article mainly about? 2. How many unusual ways to create pictures are mentioned in the passage? What are they? Five . Pizza faces, string pictures, feather and seashell pictures, rubbish pictures and rubbish prints. ★3.What are the characteristics of unusual pictures? Unusual materials are used and special ways are adopted ,sometimes without pencils or brushes. Fast-reading Unusual pictures. Listening Listen to the article carefully and mainly pay attention to : 1.what materials /things are needed; 2. how to make the unusual pictures. Part1:Pizza faces Pizza faces use small slices of_____ or pieces of _____ as hair; cut up_____ for eyes, pieces of_____ for ears and a _____ for a nose and a slice of _____to make a smile. carrot seaweed tomatoes cheese mushroom bacon Things needed: Other food :What are they in English? ham pineapple onion eggplant Ways to make a pizza face: ? prepare _____foods to help make a face ? make a face with the foods on a pizza ?_____ a photo of it to keep it forever different/various take Part2:String pictures String pictures Things needed Ways to make ●1_____ ●2_____string ●3_____ ●crayon or pencil ●draw the 4 _____ on the card ●5_____ the glue on the card ●6 attach the string ___the glue ●7 _____ the string spread paint card thin glue outline to Part3:Feather and seashell pictures ● 1_____ ● 2small _____ ● 3_____ ● 4_____ ●5 _____the pattern ● 6_____all the pieces out on the card ● stick them down feathers seashells card glue lay Things needed Ways to make consider Feather and seashell pictures Where can you collect feathers according to the passage ? In _____, _____ or parks. pillows pet shops Part4:Rubbish pictures and rubbish prints rubbish pictures rubbish prints Type Things needed Ways to make rubbish ; strong paper/ card; glue put the rubbish on a card stick the rubbish onto the card spray the different sections ... ...

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