
鲁教版英语七年级下Unit 3 Will people have robots?知识点复习总结及练习(无答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:24次 大小:79360Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Will people have robots?复习 ? 重要知识点 1. Make predictions about the future: 对未来做出预测 -- What will the future be like ? 未来将会是什么样的? = What’s your prediction about the future? 你对未来的预测是什么? ? People will have robots in their homes. 人们将在自己家中拥有机器人。 ? Books will only be on computers, not on paper. 书将只会在电脑上,不在纸上。 ? People will live to be 200 years old. 人们将会活到200岁。 ? People won’t use money . Everything will be free. 人们将不再使用钱,一切都是免费的。 ? Kids won’t go to school. They’ll study at home on computers. 孩子们将不再去学校,他们将在家用电脑学习。 ? Cities will be more crowded and polluted because there will be more people. 城市将会变得更加拥挤,污染更严重,因为将会有更多的人。 ? The environment will be in great danger. There will be fewer trees. There will be more pollution. 环境将处于极大危险当中,将会有更少的书,将会有更多的污染。 ? There will be fewer jobs for people because more robots will do the same things as people . 将会有更少的工作给人,因为更多的机器人将会和人做相同的事情。 ? People will have less free time because there will be more things to do. 人们将会有更少的空闲时间,因为将会有更多的事情要做。 2. more / fewer / less ? more 更多的, much/many的比较级,more + 可数名词复数 / 不可数名词 ? fewer 更少的, few的比较级, fewer + 可数名词复数 ? less 更少的, little的比较级, less + 不可数名词 3. paper n. 1 纸 , 不可数名词。 “一张纸”a piece of paper 2 试卷, 可数名词,有复数形式 Eg: It’s time to hand in your papers. 该上交你们的试卷了。 4. pollute v. 污染 pollution n.污染 polluted adj.受污染的 (1)I hope there will be less pollution in the future. 我希望将来有更少的污染。 (2)Cities will be more polluted. 城市将更加受到污染。 5. prediction n.预测 make predictions作出预测 = predict v.预测 Eg: Let’s make predictions about the future. 咱们来预测一下未来。 6. planet n.行星(可数名词) Eg: Will we have to move to other planets? 我们将不得不搬到其他的星球吗? 7. earth n.地球 (世界上独一无二,常带定冠词the) Eg: I want to live on the earth. 我想住在地球上。 8. plant 1 v. 种植 plant trees种树 Eg: We can use less water and plant more trees.我们可以节约用水并且多种树。 2 n. 植物 9. part n.部分(可数名词) 1 a part of ... ......的一部分 Eg: Taiwan is an important part of China. 台湾是中国重要的一部分。 2 play a part in sth / doing sth 在......中发挥作用;参与到......中 Eg: Everyone should play a part in saving the earth. 每个人都应该参与到拯救地球当中。 10. build v.建造 (build-- built ) Eg: Cities will be more crowded because people will build more buildings. 城市将会变得更加拥挤,因为人们将建造更多的建筑物。 11. sky n.天空 Eg:We will see blue skies less because there will be more pollution. 我们将更少看到蓝色的天空,因为将会有更多的污染。 Eg: I want to fly up into the sky. 我想飞到天空中。 12. astronaut n. 宇航员 fly rockets to ... 乘火箭去...... Eg: I want to be an astronaut when I grow up. 当我长大时,我想成为宇航员。 Eg: I’m going to fly rockets to the moon or other pl ... ...

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