
Unit 3 Weather B read and write 课件(27 张PPT)+音频+视频

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:25次 大小:17289473Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Read and write P29 PEP 四年级年级下 Enjoy a song snowy cold warm hot cool rainy windy cloudy sunny Sharp eyes Let’s talk Jonh’s father travels around the world. What’s the weather like in __   It‘s ____and ___. Hi, dad. Where are you   I’m in _____. Let’s predict Where is John's dad now Sydney What’s the weather like swim Hot and sunny. Look and say What’s this A: letter(信) B: postcard(明信片) √ postcard 明信片 Know more Read and answer Who writes the postcard Love, Dad From(来自): To(寄给): Hi,John! B. A. John John’s dad Read and answer Hi, John! How are you I’m in Sydney It’s great! It’s hot and sunny The water is warm. I can now. here. swim outside. Is it cool and windy in Beijing Can you fly your kite Love, Dad 再读文章,划 出关键句。 Is the water cold in Sydney Can John’s dad swim outside Yes,he can. No,it isn’t. Read and answer B.John’s dad A.John Hi, John! How are you I’m in Sydney now. It’s great! It’s hot and sunny here. The water is warm. I can swim outside. Is it cool and windy in Beijing Can you fly your kite Love, Dad 阅读并圈出John的爸爸的问题。 问候语 John的近况 Read and think Is it cool and windy in Beijing 10 25℃ Read and think Yes // No Why(为什么) 赤道 hot summer 夏天 ( 12,1,2月 ) ( 12,1,2月 ) winter 冬天 cold Tip(小知识): 地球是倾斜着围绕太阳公转的,南北半球受热不一样,所以南北半球的四季是相反的。 Good to know Is it cool and windy in Beijing 10 25℃ Think and answer Is it cool No, it isn’t. Is it windy Maybe it is. What’s the weather like in Beijing It’s cold and ____ . 也许 Can he fly a kite No, he can’t. Hi, John! How are you I’m in Sydney now. It’s great! It’s hot and sunny here. The water is warm. I can swim outside. Is it cool and windy in Beijing Can you fly your kite Love, Dad ` ` ` ` ` Listen and repeat 请仔细听录音,注意语音语调 我也要给爸爸寄张明信片! Let’s think 称呼: Hi, Dad! // Dear Dad, Love, John Yours, John 正文: 1. Greetings. (问候) 2. Answer Dad’s questions 3. Ask Dad some questions (第一行空两格) Let’s think 怎么样写明信片! cool Hi, Dad! I’m fine. I like Beijing! It’s nice! It’scoolandwindy. I can fly a kite Love, John 帮John看看他写的明信片内容有无错误。 It’s nice! It’s cool and windy. I can fly a kite. John Read and find 开头要大写, 句末要标点 writing Tip(书写贴士) 请仔细观察,注意书写几要素。 单词之间要空开 Yes / No后要用逗号隔开。 Look outside! 标点符号的书写。 规范的书写方式 (跟中文标点的区别) 2. 书写的位置 英语中句号的写法: 。 . Look and write Writing tips: 句首字母要大写, 词与词距一字母, 句末标点三线上, 书写要点要牢记。 看一看,抄一抄。 No, it isn’t. Is it cool Yes, it is. Read and copy find cool windy fly a kite 8-12℃ Beijing John Q: Can John send the postcard now John 这样能寄出了吗? Let’s think (明信片的书写格式) 内容格式: 1.第一行开头顶格写问候语人名:Hi/Dear... 2.第二行空两格写正文。 3.署名:Love/Yours...(正文的右下角) 贴邮票 书写收件人 地址 书写收件人邮编 Good to know very well ... ...

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