
(新教材)北师大版Unit 8 Green living 课件+学案+单元综合测评 (共7份打包)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:81次 大小:12608609Byte 来源:二一课件通
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     Unit 8 GREEN LIVING 主题语境———人与自然之环境保护 【语境概说】 本单元的主题语境为人与自然中的环境保护,该主题语境主要包括人与环境、人与动植物、人类生存、社会发展与环境的关系等。本单元主要涉及人与环境、人与动植物、社会发展与环境的关系。该主题对学生的生活和学习环境影响非常深刻。通过本单元的学习,学生了解生态环保的意义;同时在语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力等方面将得到融合发展。 To love our living environment is to love ourselves. 爱护我们的生活环境,就等于爱护我们自己。 Protect our homeland and make the earth green. 保护我们的家园,让地球充满绿色。 There is only one earth, and mankind should work together.只有一个地球,人类应该同舟共济。 Let the water be clearer, the sky be bluer, the flowers be brighter, and the earth be more beautiful. 让水更清,让天更蓝,让花更艳,让我们的地球更美丽。 To save water resources, everyone has responsibilities.节约水资源,人人有责。 Section Ⅰ Topic talk Ⅰ.Pre-listening—Translate the following words and phrases. 1.living n. 生活方式 2.ocean n. 海洋,大海 3.smog n. 雾霾 4.desert n. 沙漠 5.global adj. 全球的 6.industrial adj. 工业的 7.extinction n. 灭绝 8.electricity n. 电 9.transport n. 交通运输系统 10.battery n. 电池 11.recycle v. 回收利用 12.carbon n. 碳 13.live in harmony with nature 与大自然和谐共生 14.do my part for sth 尽自己所能做某事 15.view n. 风景;美景;意见 Ⅱ.While-listening 1.Finish Ex.2 on Page 28. 2.Finish Ex.4 on Page 29. Ⅲ.Post-listening—Listen to 8.2 again and fill in the blanks. Dear all, welcome to our exhibition on green living.You may ①wonder what we mean by green living.I’m sure you will understand this concept after the exhibition.There are four ②sections altogether.The first section ③introduces different types of pollution.We all know that there are various types of pollution around us, which may cause different kinds of ④environmental__problems,__for instance, water pollution, air pollution, ocean pollution, soil pollution and noise pollution.This section will show how pollution ⑤affects our environment and our health.The second section explains the ⑥__reasons that cause different types of pollution.And you will see that our actions as humans are ⑦the__main__sources of pollution.The third section presents the solutions that have been taken to tackle the problems, detailing ways we can help the environment.For example, a good way to ⑧reduce__pollution is to plant more trees.Finally, the exhibition ends with a summary about what we personally believe we should be doing to ⑨lead__a__green__life.To me, green living is about living ⑩in__harmony__with nature. Ⅰ.Brainstorming—Talk about the environmental problems that we’re facing. Melting__glaciers,__desertification(沙漠化),__smog,__rising__sea__levels,__air__and__water__pollution,__ocean__acidification(海洋酸化),__etc. Ⅱ.Make sentences after the model. 1.We all know that there are various types of pollution around us, which may cause different kinds of environmental problems, for instance, ... ...

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