
Unit 2 My Favourite Season Part C Story Time 课件(22张PPT)+素材

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:51次 大小:37789282Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 2 My Favourite Season Part C Story Time Hello ! I am Koala . I’m from Australia (澳大利亚). I’m glad to be your friend. Merry Christmas! Step 1 Look at the pictures Koala is coming to China from Australia by ____. plane Where are they now A. In China B. In Australia Tip:Never swim alone to ensure safety ! 不要独自游泳,要确保安全! Step 3 Reading Silently Koala can swim on Christmas Day, why On Christmas Day When it’s winter in China, it’s _____ in Australia. When it’s spring in China, it’s _____ in Australia. Tip:北半球与南半球的季节是相对的 (北半球 ) spring———summer———autumn———winter (南半球) autumn———winter———spring———summer summer fall Good to know 海滩, 海滨 Step 4 Listen and follow Tip:注意语音语调的变化,积极的体验说话者的情绪。 从不 What do you usually do on Christmas Day I usually go to the beach and swim in the sea! You swim in winter ! Christmas is in summer in Australia, so we never have snow for Christmas. Summer. I like sunny days. Which season do you like best 选择自己喜欢的片段演一演! Scene 1:图一 scene 2:图二三四 scene 3:图五六 同学们,在表演故事时要注意模仿语音语调,运用恰当的表情动作。 Step 5 Act out the story 故事表演评价标准:仪态大方 ;表达自然流利;语音准确到位,语调变化明显有助于突显人物个性及形象;利用神态和肢体语言使故事情节更吸引人。 【表演出色的小组可得3个小贴画;表演一般仍需努力的小组每生可得2个小贴画;表演不到位需要加倍努力的小组每生可得一个小贴画。(其他小组评价)】 Show Time Summary Learning tip: 1、Can you give a name about this story (给故事起个题目) 2 、What have you learnt from this English class today (请谈谈这节英语课的收获) Read a lot and make trip further. (读万卷书行万里路) Christmas is the most important festival for the western countries . Homework 1.Try to write a new story with this unit’s sentences. (尝试用本单元所学的句型编写小故事) 例如Which season do you like best What do you usually do… 2.Read more stories about western festivals. (搜索有关西方节日的绘本故事阅读) 推荐阅读Why I Love Christmas The Night Before Christmas

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