
(新教材)高中英语人教版必修二 UNIT 4 HISTORY AND TRADITIONS(课件+学案+训练)(15份打包)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:84次 大小:17243449Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Section Ⅰ Listening and Speaking & Reading and Thinking —Comprehending 听音填空        / Red River Valley/            / 红河谷 / 歌曲《红河谷》,曲调热切、饱满、优美、深情。这首已流传了一个世纪的歌曲,是一首在加拿大广泛流传的民歌,在美国也同样流行。 From this valley they say you are going I will miss your bright eyes and 1.sweet smile For they say you are taking the 2.sunshine That has 3.brightened our pathway awhile Come and sit by my side, if you love me Do not hasten to 4.bid me adieu Just remember the Red River Valley And the one who loved you so true I’ve been thinking a long time my darling Of the 5.sweet words you never would say Now, alas, must my fond hopes all vanish For they say you are going away From this valley they say you are going I will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile For they say you are taking the sunshine That has brightened our pathway awhile I will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile 人们说你就要离开村庄 我将怀念你的明眸和甜蜜微笑 因为你带走所有的阳光 它曾照亮我们的路 来坐在我身旁 如果你爱我 不要离开得这样匆忙 你可要记住这红河谷 还有那真爱你的人 亲爱的,长久以来,我一直在回想 那些你不曾说出的美好誓言 可是,现在我所有的美好希望都已破灭 你就要离开村庄 人们说,你就要离开村庄 我将怀念你的明眸和甜蜜微笑 因为你带走所有的阳光 它曾照亮我们的路 我将怀念你的明眸和甜蜜微笑 [词海拾贝] 1.hasten ['heIsn] vt.     加速;催促;使加快;促进 2.vanish ['v?nI?] v. 突然消失;不复存在 3.brighten ['braItn] v. (使)更明亮;变亮 重点单词 写作词汇 1.individual [IndI'vId???l] adj.单独的;个别的 n. 个人 2.kingdom ['kI?d?m] n. 王国;领域 3.chief [t?i?f] adj. 最重要的;最高级别的 n. (公司或机构的)首领;酋长 4.nearby [nI?'baI] adj.   附近的;邻近的 adv. 在附近 5.battle ['b?tl] n. 战役;搏斗 vi.& vt. 搏斗;奋斗 6.port [p??t] n. 港口(城市) 拓展词汇 7.puzzle ['p?zl] n.谜;智力游戏;疑问vt.迷惑;使困惑→puzzled adj.迷惑不解的→puzzling adj.令人迷惑的 8.belong [bI'l??] vi.应在(某处);适应→belongings n.财产,所有物 9.defence [dI'fens] n.防御;保卫→defend vt.保护;保卫 10.legal ['li?ɡl] adj.法律的;合法的→illegal adj.不合法的 11.surround [s?'ra?nd] vt.围绕;包围→surrounding adj.周围的→surroundings n.周围的事物;环境 12.evidence ['evid?ns] n.证据;证明→evident adj.清楚的;明白的;显而易见的;显然的 13.achievement [?'t?i?vm?nt] n.成就;成绩;达到→achieve vt.完成;达到 14.location [l??'keI?n] n.地方;地点;位置→locate vt.位于,坐落于 15.fascinating ['f?sIneItI?] adj.极有吸引力的;迷人的→fascinate vt.使着迷,使神魂颠倒 阅读词汇 16.Confucius [k?n'fju???s] n.  孔子 17.mansion ['m?n?n] n. 公馆;宅第 18.philosophy [f?'l?s?fi] n. 哲学 19.descendant [dI'send?nt] n. 后裔;后代;子孙 20.heel [hi?l] n.       足跟;(脚、袜子、鞋等的)后跟 21.currency ['k?r?nsi] n. 通货;货币 22.military ['mIl?tri] adj. 军事的;军用的 23.conquer ['k??k?(r)] vt. 占领;征服;控制 重点短语 1.join...to...      把……和……连接或 联结起来 2.break_away_(from_sb ... ...

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