

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:51次 大小:1134871Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 毕业升学模拟试卷 I.判断下列单词画线部分发音是否相同,相同的画“√”,不同的画“×”。(12分) ( )1.who why ( )2. lake family ( )3. for sport ( )4.her player ( )5.five like ( )6.some brother Ⅱ.按要求,写单词。(10分) 1.know(同音词) 2.wind(形容词) 3.are(过去式) 4. twelfth(基数词) 5.swim(现在分词) 6.cold(反义词) 7. teacher(动词) 8.have(单三) 9.wet(比较级) 10. clever(最高级) Ⅲ.根据句意,选词填空。(10分) under or set helpful use do clean tenth have can 1. What can you ? 2. I often the table before dinner. 3 October is the month of the year. 4. The ball is the chair. 5. Sue is a girl. 6. On weekends, my father can the bedroom. 7. Can you water the flowers sweep the floor? 8. I am not ill. I do it. 9. I can a computer. 10. I’d like to a try. IV.选择填空。(17分) ( )1. Tom plays tennis after supper every day. A.the; the B. a;/ C./;/ ( )2. I’ve got a toothache. I’m going to the . A.park B. dentist C. teacher ( )3. They are trees now. A.plant B.will plant C.planting ( )4.It cloudy tomorrow. A.will be B.is C. be ( )5. his way, he meets the monkey. A. In B. On C. At ( )6.We be quiet in the classroom. A.should B. shouldn't C. can't ( )7. Plants are very important people. A.with B. for C. to ( )8.- is your bag? -The pink one A.Which B. When C. Whose ( )9. say that in front of the elephant. A. Aren’t B. Not C. Don't ( )10. -Did you sing songs last night? No, I didn’t. I to music. A.listens B. listened C. am listening ( )11. go and see Li Lei. A.Let we B. Let is C. Let's ( )12.- on the desk? -Yes, it is. A What's B. Where is C. Is Bill's bag ( )13. There were flowers in the garden. A.aren’t B.no C. not a ( )14. you see the blackboard? A.Does B.Are C.Can ( )15. One of jumped onto the bus. A. they B. their C.them ( )16. His wife told him buy a coat. A./ B. to C.in ( )17. He is waiting his friend. A.for B. to C. at V.连词成句。(10分) 1. snow, is , to, it , in , walk, fun (.) 2. weather, today, is, the, what, like(?) 3. on, it's, the, floor, third(.) 4. you, were, home, yesterday, at(?) 5. you, did, bookshop, yesterday, to, go, the(?) VI.给下列问句选择正确的答语。(10分) ( )1. What was the date yesterday? A. He was born in 1990. ( )2. How is your grandpa? B. No, I didn't. ( )3. When was he born? C. I'll plant trees. ( )4. What will you do? D. He is very well. ( )5. Did you have a good time? E. It was June 1st. VII.火眼金睛。(我出错误,并改正)(10分) ( )1. I want to bought snacks. A B C ( )2. She often play ping-pong with her sister on Sunday. A B C ( )3. He can't catches the ball. A B C ( )4. Li Ming can hit the ping-pong ball on the paddle. A B C ( )5. We need three pair of runners. A B C Ⅶ.阅读短文,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。(10分) Sarah has four sisters. They are Betty, Mary, Rose and Ann. Sarah is the oldest of the five. Betty is thirteen years old. She is two years younger than Sarah and one year older than Mary. Rose is nine and Ann is seven. Sarah and Betty study in a middle school. Mary, Rose and Ann study in a primary school. ... ...

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