
外研版英语七年级下册同步学案:(module 1--module2) 知识点归纳+针对性练习

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:22次 大小:2578846Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 M1 Lost and found Unit 针对性练习 一、单选题 ( )1. —What can I do for you? —I want _____.Thank you. A. three kilos of tomatos B. three kilo of tomatoes C. three kilos of tomatoes D. three kilos of tomato ( )2. — The pet pig in your hand is very nice. Is it _____? — Yes, but I’ll give it to my friend Lucy as _____ birthday present. A. you; her B. your; her C. yours; her D. you; hers ( )3. Mr. Zhang teaches _____ English. We like _____ class very much. A. us; his B. me; her C. us; ours D. us; her ( )4. —How many people come to your town every week? —It’s hard to say. _____ people, I think. Five thousand of B. Hundred of C. Five hundreds D. Thousands of ( )5. He can _____ you _____ your lost things. A. help; find B. helps; to find C. help; finding D. helps; look for ( )6.You'd better use _____ computer. _____ is broken. A. his, My B. his, Mine C. he, My D. him, Mine ( )7. I must go now. I _____ my phone on the bus. A. left B. forgot C. took D. brought ( )8. Please _____that knife, or you’ll cut yourself. be careful with B. be careful C. be careless of D. be careless ( )9. Don’t let me worry about you, study hard _____. A. from then on B. just now. C. until now D. from now on ( )10. Who can _____French in our class? A. say B. tell C. speak D. talk ( )11. Mary went to school _____ , so she didn’t have breakfast. A. in a hurry B. in hurry C. on a hurry D. on hurry ( )12. He is _____his watch everywhere, but he can’t _____ it anywhere. A. looking for find B. finding; looking for C. look for; finding D. find; looking for ( )13. Mary doesn’t like apples. Tom doesn’t like them, _____. A. too B. also C. either D. as well as 二 单词拼写 1.Tony takes some photos with a new _____(相机). 2._____(数以千计的)of people come to visit Mount Tai every day. 3.I lost my _____(钱包), so I don’t have any money now. 4.Mother wants to buy a pair of _____(手套)for my birthday. 5.How many _____(橡皮擦)have you got, Daming? 6.The bookshop is next to the bus station. You can _____(找到)it easily. 7.Be _____(小心), and don’t give the tiger any food. 8.The story is very _____(奇怪的). I can’t believe(相信)it. 9.Students often use _____(蜡笔)to draw pictures in art class. 10.— Where are you going? — To the _____(机场). I want to take a plane to Shanghai. M1 Lost and found Unit 针对性练习 参考答案 单项选择 1-5CCADA 6-10BAADC 11A 12A 13C 词汇运用 1.camera 2.Thousands of 3.wallet 4.gloves 5. erasers 6. find 7. careful 8. strange 9. crayons 10. airport M2 What can you do? 针对性练习 一.短语默写 1.… 欢迎回到……_____ 2.首先;第一_____ 3.失物招领箱_____ 4.大量;许多_____ 5.…(用于刚找到某人或某物时)在这儿_____ 6.看_____ 7.小心(对待)……_____ 8.从现在开始_____ 9.移动电话; 手机_____ 10.列一张…的清单_____ 11.寻找_____ 12. 上(车、船、飞机等_____ 13. 匆匆忙忙_____ 14.在飞机/火车/公共汽车上_____ 15.在出租车上_____ 16.几百; 成百上千_____ 17.目前,此刻_____ 18.努力做某事_____ 19.……的名字__ ... ...

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