
Unit 4 Last Weekend lesson1课件(33张PPT)+教案+习题

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:53次 大小:8679323Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    人教新起点五年级下Unit 4第一课时教学设计 课题 Last Weekend (1) 单元 4 学科 英语 年级 五年级下 学习 目标 能听懂,会说listened to music, jumped rope, cleaned the window, rowed a boat, watched TV, climbed a hill, stayed at home, played the piano, visited grandparents, played chess, washed clothes, played computer games, danced等单词和短语。 能使用一般过去时态--What did you do last weekend?--I ...操练以上词语。 3. 能在所提供的语境中填写适当的短语,使对话语意完整。 重点 1. 能听懂,会说listened to music, jumped rope, cleaned the window, rowed a boat, watched TV, climbed a hill, stayed at home, played the piano, visited grandparents, played chess, washed clothes, played computer games, danced等单词和短语。 2. 能使用一般过去时态--What did you do last weekend?--I ...操练以上词语。 难点 能在所提供的语境中填写适当的短语,使对话语意完整。 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 导入新课 Free talk. 看图片,引导学生谈论以下内容:Do you enjoy your weekends? What do you do on weekends? What did you do last weekend? 能够配合老师谈论这些问题,并积极表达自想法。 在交流的过程中老师将话题自然引入本单元教学内容。 讲授新课 一. Look, listen and repeat. Let’s learn. (1)通过句型What did you do last weekend? 引出本课新词汇listened to music, jumped rope, cleaned the window, rowed a boat, watched TV, climbed a hill, stayed at home, played the piano, visited grandparents, played chess, washed clothes, played computer games, danced 听,跟读等形式学习短语。 (2)学习一般过去时态 Sharp eyes. 快速读出闪出的单词,看谁读的又快又好。 Look and read. 看图读短语。 Ask and answer. 使用这些短语进行对话练习,可加上适当的动作。 Let’s watch. 老师播放视频动画,引导学生注意里面涉及到的短语及动词过去式。 Let’s say. What activities did you hear? 写出听到的活动短语。 Let’s chant. 老师引导学生正确唱出歌词,形式可以是先领唱,再齐唱或比赛唱。 Let’s say. 就课文内容进行对话练习。 Think and write. 就课文内容进行填空并读一读。 二、Give a report. 1. 小组内完成调查。 2. 做出汇报。将结果汇报给其他同学。 三、Let’s write. 根据自己的实际情况补全对话并读一读。 四、Practice 1. 写出这些动词的过去式。 2. 连线题。 3. 按要求写句子。 五、Summary 1. 词汇 listened to music jumped rope cleaned the window rowed a boat watched TV climbed a hill stayed at home played the piano visited grandparents played chess washed clothes played computer games danced 2. 句型: --What did you do last weekend? --I washed clothes. 六、Homework 两人一组练习句型并记录对话内容: --What did you do last weekend? --I ... 针对老师提出的问题思考并讨论。并积极回答问题,说说自己的想法。 学习词汇时注意模仿发音,力争发音准确 到位。 各种形式读短语,同时注意发音。 对话形式练习本课重点。 听力活动中做到注意力集中。 写作训练过程中可自由发挥,但注意避免出现语法错误。; 小组中任意组合两人进行对话比赛,注意力要集中。 和同学一起进行句型的训练。 积极完成书写活动并用学过的句型进行对话练习。 积极配合老师完成练习。 预设问题,有目的性的讨论问题并引出将要学习的新词汇; 通过前面谈论的内容引出本课新词汇,使学生带着好奇的心理去学习总结新的词汇,从而更能激发 ... ...

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