
Unit 1 Playtime Story time 课件(10张PPT)+教案

日期:2024-06-04 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:74次 大小:4434529Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 1 Playtime Story time 第4课时 一、教学目标 1. 能够借助多媒体、图片、教师讲解和肢体语言,读懂本课小故事。? 能够在故事呈现的情境中,复习本单元部分学习内容,如目标句型“Can you...? Yes, I can./No, I can’t.” 能够在教师帮助下尝试表演故事。 教学重难点 1. 读懂本课的小故事。 2. 掌握本单元目标句型“Can you...? Yes, I can./No, I can’t.” 3. 能够在故事情境中使用语言,以及较恰当的语调、语气,肢体动作表演故事。 教学准备 教学PPT、录音 四、教学过程? Step?1?Warm?up? Let’s chant 教师播放音频,学生跟唱,复习之前所学习的句型。 (设计意图:通过说唱,复习之前的知识,调动学生的学习兴趣。) Step?2 Presentation Look and think 教师呈现故事图片,请学生看图片初步猜测故事大意。 T: Who can you see in the picture? Where are they? What is monkey doing? Can you guess what they are saying? What will happen next? Can you guess? 2. Watch and discuss 教师播放视频,学生观看,验证预测。初步感知故事。 3. Read and say 教师讲述故事并借助问题引导学生继续深入观察图片,加深对故事的理解。可引导学生观察图片,尝试回答问题 (1) 教师呈现图1,并提出问题:Who are they? What does Monkey ask? Can Penguin make it? (2) 教师呈现图2,并提出问题:What does Lucky ask? How does Penguin answer it? (3) 教师呈现图3—5,并提出问题:What does Angel ask? How does Penguin answer it? (4) 教师呈现图6,并提出问题:What can Penguin do? How do his friend feel? (设计意图:通过问题预设的方式让学生了解故事,既培养了孩子们猜测故事的习惯,也增加了孩子们对阅读的兴趣。让学生验证预设是否正确。运用图片环游的方式让学生进一步了解故事。) Step 3 Practice 1. Listen and say 教师播放story time的录音,学生看图听音,并跟读,模仿语音语调。 (设计意图:让学生跟录音读课文,培养学生跟读的习惯,使学生养成良好的语音习惯。) 2. Role play 教师使用对话练习,让学生进行角色扮演的表演 (设计意图:重温情境,记忆台词,关注细节,体会语气,深入理解故事,通过角色扮演,增加故事的趣味性。) Step 4 Homework? 1. 跟读课文。 2. 和同伴一起表演小故事。 课件10张PPT。Unit 1 PlaytimeStory time第4课时Warm-upLet’s chantI can dance. Can you? Can you? I can see. Can you? Can you? I can swim. Can you? Can you? I can sing. Can you? Can you?PresentationLook and thinkWho can you see in the picture? Where are they? What is monkey doing? Can you guess what they are saying? What will happen next? Can you guess?? ?PresentationRead and sayWho are they? What does Monkey ask? Can Penguin make it? PresentationWhat does Lucky ask? How does Penguin answer it?Read and sayPresentationWhat does Angel ask? How does Penguin answer it?Read and sayPresentationWhat can Penguin do? How do his friend feel?Read and sayPracticeListen and sayHomework1.跟读课文。 2.和同伴一起表演小故事。Thanks! ... ...

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