

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:11次 大小:5264090Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    E 87.突然,乌云密布,开始下雨了 came d began to rain 88他所做的演说紧扣要点,值得一听 The made stuck to the key points and 89毫无疑问,春节对于中国人来说是一年中最美好的日子 The spring festival is the best time of year for us Chinese 90政府已经决定要解决空气污染问题 The government has decided to pollutio 1.多亏了网络,你可以在家学习备考并且如果你在家全身心学习,就不会落在别人后面 an learn at h epare for the exam and r put all your heart into it, you with others in the coming entrance examination of high school 92刘老师使我们能够在她的课堂上通过有趣的方式轻松的学习英语 MiSS L for us to learn English easily in an interesting way in h 在居家网络学习期间,给学生讲明白是每·教师应该做的事情与此同吋,学生们也应该做好自己该做的事 During the period of studying online at home, it's the teacher's job things clearly to the students Meanwhile, it's a students job to 94很多人相信一个人书读得越多就会变得越聪明 Many people believe that th person reads 95面对疫情的威胁,我们中国人没有畏惧,而是勇敢的接受挑战,仝力以赴,取得一个又一个胜利 the face of the epidemic, we Chinese are not fearful, instead we are brave enough to meet the challenge and do what we ca get victory one by one 96听着李建唱的歌和沿着贝加尔淜畔穿行一样令人愉快 Liste by lijian st as travelling along the bank of lake baikal 97尽管我们不能在教室和老师面对面上课,但我们也要格外努力去学习,并能掌控自己的时间,高效地学 Although we cant study face to face with the teachers in the classroom, we need to f our way to study hard being in control of our own time and having effective study 98随着5G的发展,我们的生活会非常依赖它 With the dey opment of 5G, our life wil 99父母应该相信自己的孩子而不是把自己的孩子和别人的孩子去比较 Parents should believe in their own children instead of them ther peopl 00在学习的过程中,如果你坚持不懈,你就可以创造属于你的未米 the process of study, if you keep trying, you will create the bright future that 哈113中学九年毕业班二月份学业水平测试答案 1-5BBABC 6-10BCAAB 11-15BBCCC 16-20CBCBC 21-25CABAA 26-30BBCBA 31-35CBABC 36-40 BABAB 41-45ABCAA 46-50CDBAE 51-55 FCEGA 56-60 good, up, Take, yourself, used 61 quietly 62 got interested in 63 won 64.sad 65. danger 66moved 67. being 68 regretted 69effort 70 receive 71-72 so that 73. The teachers or other online students 74. No, it isnt. No. 75.They see online learming as a way to receive education and develop their independence(not only in study but also in life). /A way to receive education and(a way )to develop their independence(not only in study but also in life) 76.UK 77. February 78. Buying 79. fun 80. second/other 81. separates trom 82 in person 83. be responsible 84 pull together 85 shown up 86.from time 8.All sudden 88. worth listening 89. without doubt 90. work out 91. Thanks to 92. makes possible 93. explain what 94. more wiser 95.I 96. sung enjoyable 97. go out 98. depend on 99. comparing with 100. belongs to ... ...

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