
Unit 1 My school A Let’s talk & Let’s learn 课件(16张PPT)+教案

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:43次 大小:2552659Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 1 My School Part A 第2课时 一、教学目标 1. 能够掌握Let’s talk部分的语言点,主要包括: It’s on the first / second floor. Is this the teacher’s office / …? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. The … is next to … 2. 能够在情景中运用句型询问并回答学校设施的位置。 二、教学重点及难点 重点: 掌握本课时询问和回答学校设施的基本句型。 难点: 掌握英语中序数词的基本使用方法。 三、教学用具 1. 多媒体设备和课件(或录音机与磁带); 2. 课后巩固练习; 3. 课文中所涉及的图片。 四、相关资源 【活动设计】询问教室位置活动练习; 【知识解析】基数词和序数词; 【知识解析】“楼层”英国和中美用法的差异。 五、教学过程 【Lead-in】 Dialogue Teacher shows some dialogues in the last period and asks students to read these dialogues and try to interpret these dialogues. Then teacher explains the meaning of these dialogues. A: Excuse me. Where is the teacher’s office? B: It’s on the second floor. A: OK. Thanks. A: Hi. Is this the teacher’s office? C: No, it isn’t. The teacher’s office is next to the library. A: Hi. Miss White! Here is my homework. D: Thank you, Mike. A: Bye, Miss White. T: Good morning/afternoon, class. Today we are going to learn the second period. At the beginning of our class, let’s look at these dialogues and try to explain the meaning of them. 设计意图:通过对话导入,既能复习上一课时的主要内容,同时可以为本课时语言点的讲解做准备;鼓励学生解释对话的含义帮助学生回顾上课时的重难点,也可以帮助老师了解学生对知识点的掌握情况,以便合理地安排教学进度。 【Presentation】 1. Teacher shows the dialogue “A: Excuse me. Where is the teacher’s office? B: It’s on the second floor.” on the screen, and explains the basic structure “Where is the…? It’s on the second floor.” A: Excuse me. Where is the teacher’s office? B: It’s on the second floor. 设计意图:讲解重点句型,为接下来的学习奠定基础。 2. Teacher shows the teaching material “【知识解析】基数词和序数词 ” to students and helps students to grasp this language points. 设计意图:通过知识解析教学资源帮助学生理解基数词和序数词的相关知识。 3. Teacher shows the teaching material “【知识解析】‘楼层’英国和中美用法的差异 ” to students and helps students to grasp this language points. 设计意图:通过知识解析教学资源帮助学生理解英式英语和美式英语的不同。 4. Teacher shows the dialogue “A: Hi. Is this the teacher’s office? C: No, it isn’t. The teacher’s office is next to the library.” on the screen and explains the language points in the dialogue. 设计意图:老师讲解语言点帮助学生学习掌握本课时的重难点。 5. Teacher plays the recording of Part A and asks students to listen to it and then read the dialogue loudly. 设计意图:学生听录音大声朗读课文以便加深对课文的理解。 【Practice】 6. Teacher shows the picture in Let’s learn and plays the recording of it, and asks students to explain the meaning of the dialogue and then asks students to make dialogues by working in pairs. 设计意图:通过编对话练习帮助学生复习本课时的语言点。 7. Teacher shows the teaching materials “【活动设计】询问教室位置活动练习” on the screen a ... ...

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