
Unit 4 At the farm Part A Let’s spell 课件(22张PPT)+素材

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:76次 大小:39112336Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件22张PPT。英语 四年级下册(PEP) 教学课件At the farmUnit 4Let’s spellWhat are these / those?Step 1 Lead inCan you read the story?I like to read the story. The story is about the horse. The horse likes to work. He works hard of course.I like to read the story. The story is about the horse. The horse likes to work. He works hard of course.Can you read these words? Can you find the rules?Step 2 PresentationWatch, listen and chant.Read aloudRead, listen and numberLook, listen and writeorStep 3 The main pointsLet’s spell these wordsforkbornmorningwordworkNew YorkStep 4 Let’s practiceA worker is at the farm. His name is Porter. Porter likes horses. He works with horses. He reads books for the horses. Horses are his friends.I can readStep 5 Test in class一、判断每组单词画线部分的发音是(√)否(×)相同。 ( )1. for work ( )2. work world ( )3. horse born×√√二、 选出画线部分的发音不同的单词。 ( )1. A. for B. work C. horse ( )2. A. story B. for C. world BC1. 借助图片和录音,能正确认读horse、fork、 homework、world map, 了解单词中字母组合or的 发音。 2. 体会or在单词中的发音,利用发音规律,听辨并读 出正确的单词。 3. 根据提示,在四线格中规范书写单词和句子。Step 6 Conclusion1. 听本课录音,跟读单词3遍,抄写3遍。 2. 完成本课时的配套练习。 3. 预习Part B Let's talk。 Step 7 Homework

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