
Unit 4 Lesson 1 School Uniforms. 教案

日期:2024-05-02 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:44次 大小:16461Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson 1 School Uniforms 【教学目标】 1.To have a clear picture of the main idea of the text. 2.To guess the meaning of the words within the context. 3.To try to apply the reading skills (such as: predicting, skimming and scanning). 4.To analyze and deal with different opinions on topics. 5.To realize that inner characteristics play more important roles than clothes. 【学情分析】 学生英语水平差异较大,但学生们思维比较活跃,如果有适合他们回答的问题,他们都愿意尝试用英语表达自己的想法。因此在教学设计时,我把学生分成5组,组内成员由不同英语水平学生组成,设计不同坡度的问题激发每位学生的参与热情,让不同英语水平的学生在小组合作交流中都有体验成功的机会。 【教学重难点】 校服这个话题对于学生来说有话可说,但因为缺乏良好的表达能力可能导致表达不清晰不正确,因而其重点是学生在理解语篇的基础上,能在教师的引导下思考校服制度的利弊,利用本堂课所学知识条理清楚地表达出自己的观点和有理有据地反驳他人观点。 【教学过程】 I. Pre-reading 1.Play a short movie and ask the students to talk about uniform rules in schools. (利用世界各国校服的视频,激发学生对校服这一身边校园话题的兴趣,并通过设问了解学生原始穿衣观和价值取向。) 2.Ask students to predict what the rule for the uniform is. (让学生通过解读标题来预测文本信息,激活学生有关校服的图式,为阅读下文做好铺垫,引导学生学会主动思考。) II. While-task 1.Ask students to read through the passage to check their prediction and find out the key words of each paragraph. (指导学生快速阅读文章, 以标题为线索寻找各段关键词,了解文章大意:学生对校服制度三种不同的态度, 培养学生自主阅读能力,并为辩证地理解校服制度做好铺垫。) 2.Ask students to scan the passage and fill in the blank. (指导学生细读文章,找出对校服制度不同观点的理由,阅读和寻找相应信息的过程,是学生知识增进的过程,也是培养学生正确的“穿衣观”形成的过程) 3.Ask students to guess the meaning of new words within the context. (通过语境理解核心词汇意思,培养学生正确的词汇学习方法。) 4.Ask students to read the passage carefully and get more information in detail. (指导学生查读,通过查找文本中“学生对学校不规定穿校服的不同反应,引发学生思考校服制度背后所蕴含的文化内涵。”) 5.Ask the students to discuss what the sentence “people should be judged by their behavior rather than by their clothes” means。(in groups) (组织讨论,引导学生更好地理解作者的观点,进而产生心灵上的共鸣,自然产生主流的价值取向:判断一个人要通过他的行为而不是他所穿的衣服。在讨论中学生合作学习能力也得到进一步的锻炼。) III. Post-reading Watch the video to elicit the topic and guide students to run a debate on the topic of “Are you for or against the uniform rule?” 学生在支持或反对中,学习表达自己的观点并陈述相应的理由。这一活动旨在让学生联系自己的真实体会自由发表意见,从而提高理解和分析事物的能力。 IV. Consolidation Guide students to summarize so me reading skills and use the skills to read another passage. 指导学生把课堂上所学的阅读策略应用到具体的文章中去,学以致用。 V. Assignment Collect the opinions and write to the school newspaper about your attitude towards the school uniform rule. ( ... ...

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