
Unit 2 Campus Life Lesson 3 A Homepage for Dongfang International School 教案

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:24次 大小:11044Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson 3 A Homepage for Dongfang International School Teaching Aims Students are expected to 1.Learn some key phrases: be set up; have a high sense of responsibility, consist of, have an excellent teaching staff of. 2.Grasp the general idea of the text. 3.Improve their speaking abilities by discussing and talking about their school. 4.Love and be proud of their school. Important and difficult points Improve their speaking abilities by discussing and talking about their school. Teaching Aids Multimedia equipment, Students’ Book, tape recorder, learning sheet Teaching Procedures Procedure Teacher’s Activity Students’ activity Purpose I.Pre-task preparation Show Students some pictures and review the phrases. Recall and read some phrases. To review some phrases and words. II. While-task activities Introduce Dongfang International School briefly and ask Students some questions. Answer questions and get some information of the school. To help Students have a general understanding of the text. Ask Students to listen to Paragraph Two and Three and know about the facilities and teaching staff. Complete the table and get some information about the facilities and teaching staff. To help Students practice listening and gain some information of the facilities and teaching staff. Ask Students to read Paragraph Two and Three. Read Paragraph Two and Three. To help Students focus on some detailed information. Ask Students to talk about the facilities and teaching staff. Work in pairs and make a dialogue. To help Students consolidate the key phrases. Ask Students to listen to the last two paragraphs and complete T/F task. Do T/F task and read the last two paragraphs. To help Students get some specific information. Ask Students to say something about Dongfang International School with the given phrases. Introduce Dongfang International School with the given phrases. To help Students have a clear idea of the text and practice speaking. III. Post-task activities Guide Students to use more words to describe their school life. Find more words to describe school life. To help Students prepare for the dialogue by using adjectives. Guide Students to complete different tasks about Xuhang Junior High School. Do different tasks. To help Students get some information of our school. Ask Students to make a dialogue about our school. Work in pairs and have a dialogue about our school. To help Students improve their ability of cooperative learning. (If time permitted) Ask one student to make an introduction to our school. Introduce our own school. To arouse students’ love for school and prepare for the homework. IV. Assignment 1.Read and recite the text. 2.Write a short passage about our own school.

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