
Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?Section A 1a-2d(第1课时)教学课件(28张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:85次 大小:10281711Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件28张PPT。2020年春人教版 七年级下册英语 教学课件UNIT 12 Section A 1a-2d(第1课时)学会用一般过去时谈论过去的事情。 讲述美好的周末生活,树立学生享受生活,培养热爱美好的大自然情感。Well, on Saturday morning, I played soccer.What did you do last weekend, Li Lei?Let's watch and learn! Match the activities with the pictures [a-f]. 1. did my homework __ 2. went to the cinema __ 3. went boating __ 4. camped by the lake __ 5. went to the beach __ 6. played badminton __faebdc1a Listen and write the day, morning, afternoon or night below each picture.1bSunday nightSaturday afternoonSunday afternoonSaturday morningSunday morningSaturday nightRole-play. Student A is Lucy. Student B asks Lucy about her weekend.1cWell, on Saturday morning, I played badminton.I went to the beach. What did you do last weekend, Lucy?What did you do on Saturday afternoon?I went to a movie.What did you do on Saturday night?What did you do on Sunday morning?I went boating with my friends.I camped by the lake.What did you do on Sunday afternoon?What about Sunday night?I did my homework at home.1. I visited my (aunt / grandma). 2. I did my (homework / sports). 3. I studied for the (English / math) test. 4. I went to a (farm / beach). 5. I fed some (sheep / cows).Listen and underline the words you hear.Listening2a sheep 名词,意为“绵羊”。它是单复数同形的单词,当它作主语时谓语动词的单复数形式要根据它在句中的意思来确定。类似的单词还有deer (鹿), Chinese (中国人)等。 如:Look, there are three sheep eating grass under the tree. 看! 树下有三只羊在吃草。 Language points1. ___ I visited my grandma. 2. ___ I did my homework. 3. ___ I studied for the English test. 4. ___ I went to a farm. 5. ___ I fed some cows.BJJBCListen again. Write C for Carol, J for Jack or B for Becky next to the statements in 2a. 2bHe studied for his English test.What did he do?Who stayed at home last weekend?Carol. I think.Pair workHe went to the farm.Where did Jack go last weekend?What did he do there?He fed some cows there.2cStudent A asks questions with who, what or where and Student B answers. Then change roles.How was Lisa’s weekend? _____ 2. Where did Lisa work as a guide? _____ Read the conversation and answer the questions.It was great.ReadingAt the Natural History Museum.2d 3. What did she do there? _____ 4. Why is Paul tired now? _____She told the visitors about the butterflies and their living habits.Because he stayed up late to watch the soccer game.Paul: Hi, Lisa. How was your weekend? Lisa: Great. Thanks. Paul: What did you do? Lisa: I worked as a guide at the Natural History Museum. Role-play the conversation.Role-playPaul: Really? How interesting! Lisa: Yeah, it was fun. They have a butterfly house with over 200 kinds of butterflies! I told the visitors about them and their living habits. Did you have a good weekend? Paul: Yeah, it was good, but I’m kind of tired now. I stayed up late to watch the soccer game. Language points1.I worked as a guide at the Natural History Museum. 我在自然历史博物馆里做 ... ...

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