
译林英语必修3Unit2 Language Project 课件(共23张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:67次 大小:8710658Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 牛津高中英语 Module 3 Unit 2 Project Designing a booklet (1st period ) What is the song about? Chinese characters. How do you feel after watching the video? There are many complex Chinese characters. Question the appearance of a dragon walking 马 The development of Chinese characters picture of a running horse simplified drawing standard square character Part 1(Para. 1 ) Part 2(Para. 2-4) Part 3(Para.5) Brief introduction to Chinese characters. Formation and development of Chinese characters. Simplified Chinese characters. Fast-reading (structure) Look through the passage quickly and summarize each part with one word. What makes the Chinese language different from many Western languages? Western languages Alphabet Chinese language Characters stand for ideas objects deeds Part1 (Para. 1) Detailed reading Read the first paragraph carefully and answer the question: * Part 2 (Para. 2-4) Who Cang Jie How get the idea from animals’ tracks What four kinds of Chinese characters Detailed reading drawings of physical objects combination of two or more characters with different meanings pictograph 象形字 associative-compound 会意字 indicative character 指事字 phonogram 形声字 developed for directions and numbers one part for meaning and the other for pronunciation development of characters formation 9土 Please move the boxes around to make a new character. 12木 11木 10木 5人 6木 7人 8人 1子 4田 3力 2女 Indicative character Try to explain ‘花’ in English The upper part indicates the meaning ‘_____’ and the lower part suggests the pronunciation ‘_____’. Therefore, 花 means ‘_____’. plant huā the coloured part of a plant Traditional Chinese characters Simplified Chinese characters _____ Chinese characters were introduced in the 1950s. Detailed reading Part 3 (Para. 5) Simplified Discussion Should traditional Chinese characters return to schools? Work in groups of four. Discuss the topic with members for 5minutes. Present your group’s idea to the class. The story of Braille What does Braille stand for? a person’s name The system for reading and writing used by the blind created Why How What effects Part 1 (para.1) Part 2 (para.2) Part 3 (para.3-4) Part 4 (para.5) Introduction Why did he create the system? (Para.2) blind not convenient for use How did he create the system? (Para.3-4) a soldier a system with patterns of six raised dots representing each letter What effects does the system have? (Para.5) It is the most common system used by the blind. Every language has its own version based on it. Consolidation The Chinese language, _____ was invented by a man _____(name) Cang Jie, has ____ long history. It _____(main) experienced four kinds of development. It was not until the 1950s that _____(simplify) Chinese characters were introduced by the Chinese government. When _____(talk) about reading, we think of using our eyes to see letters written in ink on paper. Though the blind cannot ... ...

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