
高三专题复习:高考任务型阅读解题策略 课件(共41张ppt)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:20次 大小:158478Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 高三英语课程 专题复习:高考任务型阅读解题策略 导语 1. 特色:语篇分析,语言综合运用(单拼,句转,语篇 表格) 2. 能力:获取信息 access information 加工处理信息 process information 综合概括信息 summarize information 3. 忠告:不要放弃,学会珍惜 知识梳理 一、考查形式 1. 图表样式 2. 图表框架的设定规律 3. 图表框架与语篇段落的关系 4. 图表设空的原则 二、解题的步骤和策略 知识梳理 一、考查形式 1. 图表的样式 (1) Table-shaped (2) Tree-shaped 2. 图表框架的设定规律 知识梳理 段落大意提纲 每段的细节提炼 篇章的主题 3. 图表框架与原文语篇的关系 知识梳理 (1) 图表框架布局和原文语篇段落按序对应且句式基本一致 Introduction Point 1(Fact 1; Fact 2) Point 2(Fact 3; Fact 4) Conclusion Introduction Point 1 Fact 1; Fact 2 Point 2 Fact 3; Fact 4 Conclusion 知识梳理 (2) 图表框架对原文语篇段落重新布局但句式基本一致 Introduction Point 1(Reason 1; Result 1) Point 2(Reason 2; Result 2) Conclusion Introduction Points Point 1; Point 2 Results Result 1; Result 2 Conclusion Reasons Reason 1 ; Reason 2 (3) 图表和原文主题一致,但布局和句式都不一致 4. 图表设空的原则 (1) 兼顾三层次的能力考查 获取信息 access information 加工处理信息 process information 综合概括信息 summarize information 原文词 copy 转化词 change 提炼词 create/conclude (2) 兼顾词性、词形、搭配、句式等的语法考查 知识梳理 二、解题的步骤和策略 知识梳理 1. 先表后文– 略读 (1) 浏览表格和句子,分析表格框架并预测文章大意。 The Cost of Thinking Introduction ? Large brains for their bodies and the ability to walk upright are two (71)_____ of human beings. The (72)_____ of large human brains ? The larger brains may not be better because of the cost. ? The big brains make it harder for the body to move around and consume more energy. ? The animal brain requires less (73)_____ when the body is at rest. ? Large human brains consume more food, and weaken muscles. The(74)_____ of walking upright ? Walking upright makes it easy to find food or (75)_____ against enemies. ? Freed hands can serve some (76)_____ purposes and perform complex tasks. ? Walking upright challenges the human bone structure, and (77)_____ the size of brains. ? Walking upright results in (78)_____ sufferings. Conclusion ? With a large brain, human beings (79)_____ other beings in terms of intelligence. ? Weak and marginal, human beings remained (80)_____ of meat-eating animals. 知识梳理 2019年江苏高考 Topic Outline Details disadvantages impacts/influence(s) (2) 积累总结一些常见的提纲归纳性词汇并注意其区别和搭配。 知识梳理 主题开头 定义解释 观点事实 目的意图 行动措施 方法途径 异同比较 优劣好坏 theme/ topic/title definition/concept/meaning/explanation/introduction opinion/view/idea/attitude/fact aim/purpose/intention/goal/target action/measure/step way/means/method/key solution/approach difference/similarity/comparison advantage/benefit/disadvantage/drawback strength/weakness 知识梳理 问题影响 起因结果 建议意见 特色功能 重要意义 结论总结 实验研究 小说事例 problem/issue/influence/impact reason/cause/invitation/ ... ...

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