
Unit3 We are going to travel.(Lesson14) 课件(25张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:20次 大小:8420262Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件25张PPT。 Unit 3 Lesson 14 教学分析: 1.Just practise 在语境中巩固操练、听说、认读主要目标语言We are going to Hangzhou by plane. We‘re going to visit the West Lake there. 词汇travel,know, hear,lake。通过学习,学生能综合运用目标语言进行旅行计划的分享。 2.Just write 本部分要求学生能在语境中理解、听说、读写、运用travel,know,hear,lake等词汇以及句型We are going to Hangzhou by plane。并能用新词造句,在语境中更好地理解新词。 3.Let’s plan a trip 本部分是同学一起讨论旅行计划的情景对话,对话围绕目标语言We are going to visit ….展开,对话内容主要涵盖两个方面:Look at the map of China and find an interesting place to visit. Tell your classmates why you want to go there.通过合作表演对话,培养学生 综合运用目标语言交流旅游信息的能力。 4.Let’s chant 本部分是韵律诗。引导学生运用自然拼读的方法,尝试拼读drink, dream, drive等含有dr字母组合的单词。通过吟诵,感受诗句末尾的韵脚[k]的韵律。Unit 3 Lesson 14 We are going to travel.a map of China I know ...... I hear……Why?I’m going to travel by…The most famous place is the West Lake.It’s famous for the terracotta army.Qingdao PierIt's in Hainan Province.Harbin is in the north of China.the Oriental Pearl TV TowerShanghai is one of the biggest cities in China.the Big Wild Goose Pagoda Xi’an the Yellow Crane TowerWuhanthe capital of China the Great WallIt's the longest wall in the world.theMingTombs the Temple of Heaventhe Summer Palacethe Forbidden CityBeihai ParkFill in the blanks: The animals are having a meeting. They’re talking a_____ their holidays. They want to t_____ around China. The bear k_____the Oriental pearl TV Tower in S_____.He is going there by p_____. The panda is going to X_____by t_____. She h_____the terracotta army there. The elephant and the bear want to go to W_____by s_____.They are going to see the Yellow Crane T_____. They also want to visit the West L_____ in Hangzhou.boutravelnowshanghailanei’anrainearsuhanhipowerakeThank you!

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