
2020年高中英语 必修5 Unit 4 Making the news 课件(5份打包 图片版)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:20次 大小:3699200Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Section Ⅰ Warming Up & Pre?reading & Reading—Comprehending 练读文 记词汇 学翻译 1 教材助读 通语篇 学理解 重分析 2语篇理解 To show us the necessary skills to become a good reporter. Daily his experienced how which for interviewing detailed possible be accused 主从复合 条件状语从句 虚拟 宾语 宾补 条件状语从句 并列分句 部分倒装 (课件网) Section Ⅱ Warming Up & Reading —Language Points 记单词 记短语 记句型 3 基础梳理 acquire assess accuse demand eager case delighted delightful admirable admiration assistant assistance professional concentration information guilty technically find out take photographs concentrate on have a nose for inform sb. of / about sth. keep in mind depend on/upon accuse ... of so as to (do sth.) look forward to was to strongly influence find your colleagues very eager to assist you Not only am I interested in photography 研词汇 析句型 练拓展 4 要点透析 delighted to get To in / with assisted assistance前加the to assist you in improving your English to assist you to improve your English to ourselves to on be concentrated concentrating→concentrated concentrate your efforts on learning Chinese Concentrate your efforts on learning Chinese Concentrating your efforts on learning Chinese the a to assess assessment to do depending finish→finishing或finish前加to depend on / upon him assisting / to assist you with depend on / upon it that he will assist you with your English your English to give up to hand in where that/which when→where where they can gain experience 随堂练 固基础 夯根基 5 随堂训练 eager acquire cases demanded accused published editor submitted photograph thorough was delighted to hear assisted me in finishing / to finish to acquire/get two tickets to assess the damage to inform you that as without based what interviewed an deliberately had tried it angry (课件网) Section Ⅲ Learning about Language & Using Language 练读文 记词汇 学翻译 1 教材助读 通语篇 学理解 重分析 2 语篇理解 记单词 记短语 记句型 3 基础梳理 accurate accuracy senior junior approve approval appointment appoint get absorbed in refer... to ... begin with ahead of pass sth. on to last of all be happy with be supposed to Although he realized the man had been lying as the article was going to be written in English employed by the newspaper there will be something about this 研词汇 析句型 练拓展 4 要点透析 accurate accurately accuracy to senior to me by approval trying disapproved 去掉of approved of us gave his approval to us the in appointment made as/to be had been waiting has been doing as she is new As she sang as I said Much as I like 随堂练 固基础 夯根基 5 随堂训练 thorough gifted crime edition process appointment senior department accurate polish had been sleeping had been playing As you were out Happy as/though they were there will be a peace talk ( ~~ 您好,已阅读到文档的结尾了 ~~