
Unit 3 At the zoo PB let’s talk(公开课)优质课件(25张PPT)+教案+练习+动画素材

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:74次 大小:61925465Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 3 At the zoo PB Let's talk 人教PEP 三年级下册 Let's sing fat thin small big short tall Game time 点击发射 植物大战僵尸 植物大战僵尸! 发射炮弹, 快速读出炮弹打出的单词或短语, 一起打跑僵尸吧! long It's _____. It has a_____tail. It has _____ears. It's _____. It has a_____head. It has a_____body. Look and say It's _____. It has a_____tail. It has a_____body. short long small tall small big thin short big/long Lead in At the zoo. 1. What animal is it? Try to find out: 2. It has a ____ nose. It has a ____ tail. It has ____ eyes. It has ____ears. Presentation Come here, children! Look at the elephant. 来这里 Listen and imitate 1. What animal is it? It's an elephant. Wow! It has a long nose. It has a short tail. It has small eyes and big ears. Listen and imitate It has a long nose. It has +形容词+名词复数 例如:It has long legs. It has small eyes. It has+a +形容词+名词单数 例如: It has a short tail.It has a small head. Language point Answer the questions 2. It has a ____ nose. It has a ____ tail. It has ____ eyes. It has ____ears. long short small big Come here, children! Look at the elephant. Wow! It has a long nose. It has small eyes and big ears. It has a short tail. Listen and imitate _____, children! Look at _____. Wow! It has _____. It has _____ and _____. It has _____. Listen and fill Come here the elephant a long nose a short tail small eyes big ears Group work 1. 3人一组合作朗读。 2. 分角色表演对话。 3.情景展示表演。 Show time Look and say It has+a +形容词+名词单数 It has a _____. It has +形容词+名词复数 It has _____. a long tail a small mouth a small nose a small head a long neck small eyes small ears long legs Look at that... It has... Look and say Look at that... It has ... Presentation Let's make a monster. It has a big body. OK! Here's a big body. Let's 后面加动词原形 =here is, 这是..., 后面接单数形式, 如果后面接的时复数, 则要用here are Practice monster 怪兽, 怪物 Practice Let's make a monster. It has_____. OK! Here's/Here're _____. a big body a big body big body long legs one eye long ears long tail Draw and say 1. 每人画一幅怪物画 2. 小组成员轮流介绍自己画的怪物 3. 请两个同学上台介绍。 Practice Look at my monster. It has ... Look at this monster. It has_____. It has_____. It has_____. two eyes long arms Practice long legs Look at this monster. It has_____. It has_____. It has_____. It has_____. It has_____. one eyes a big head a big mouth short arms short legs Team work 1. 6人小组, 共同画出一个怪物。 2. 没人画出一个部位, 并进行介绍It has...。 3. 作品展示并进行评比, 得奖的小组上台介绍作品。 Let's draw a monster. It has... Game time summary Look at that_____. It's so_____. It has+a +形容词+名词单数 It has +形容词+名词复数 1. 听录音跟读let's talk 部分对话 2. 小组成员情景表演对话, 也可自己创编。 3. 背诵talk部分给小组长听。 4. 画一个怪物, 可以你说我画,然后进行描述。 5. 完成配套练习 Homework 谢谢 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) 中小学教育资源网站 有大把高质量资料? ... ...

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