

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:82次 大小:39859Byte 来源:二一课件通
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天气;自然 一、完形填空(素材源自One Story A Day Book 1) 一场大雪 Everywhere in the world, kids go to school. There are schools in cities and schools in rural(乡村的) areas. __1__ I was a young teacher, my first teaching job was in a village in the far north of Canada. There were no roads. I had to take a 2 to fly into the village. I was quite nervous about this new job. In the autumn, when I arrived, the weather was 3 . The sun shone and the days were clear. But all of that was soon to change. In late October, the season 4 changed. One morning, I woke up and it was winter. There was no warning at all. In winter, it is very cold in Canada’s north. It snows a lot, too. One winter day, it started to snow really, really hard. The wind 5 . And the snow did not stop. It snowed for a whole day. It snowed all night, too. 6 the morning of the third day, the snow finally stopped coming down. I 7 and looked out of my window. The students looked out of their windows, too. They could not see 8 far away, including their school. “Our school has 9 ,” they cried. All they could see was white snow everywhere. The snow covered the school completely. Of course, there was no school that day. The people in the village came and helped us dig out the snow. It took three days to see the 10 again! The kids enjoyed their days off. But they were glad to get back to school finally. 1. A. Since B. When     C. If     D. Although 2. A. ship B. truck C. train D. plane 3. A. cold B. fine C. rainy D. cloudy 4. A. slowly B. greatly  C. suddenly D. widely 5. A. blew B. fell C. rushed D. dropped 6. A. In   B. At C. During   D. On 7. A. woke up B. picked up     C. looked up D. turned up 8. A. anything B. nothing C. something D. everything 9. A. invented B. discovered C. disappeared D. lost 10. A. village B. school C. road D. house 二、阅读理解 A World Meteorological Day The World Meteorological(气象的)Day was set up on 23 March in 1960. It is celebrated every year on 23 March. The main purpose of the World Meteorological Day is to enable people to understand and support the activities of the World Meteorological Organization, to raise the attention and love of meteorological work and to promote(提升) the application(应用) of meteorology in some human activities. Activities and Themes Many different activities and events are organized for this festival. Every year, there is a special theme for people to think about and take action to make a difference. The following are the themes of the latest years. ◆2018—Weather?ready, climate?smart     ◆2017—Understanding clouds ◆2016—Hotter, drier, wetter. Face the future ◆2015—Knowledge of climate action Events for Children This Year To call up the young people, especially the children, to pay more attention to the climate changes and learn more about the influences that climate has on human beings, different events are held for the kids and parents this year. ◆Children and parents can have discussions with some e ... ...

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