
Unit 11 Review 2 Vocabulary 1 导学案

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学学案 查看:32次 大小:20282Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 11 Review 2 【第一课时】 Vocabulary 1 【学习目标】 1. 通过一个小对话练习复习表示学校建筑的一些单词:classroom,art room,playground等。 2. 复习表示学科的单词以及介绍最喜欢的科目的句型。 3. 借助图片复习回顾表示衣物的单词。 【学习重难点】 1. 通过一个小对话练习复习表示学校建筑的一些单词:classroom,art room,playground等。 2. 复习表示学科的单词以及介绍最喜欢的科目的句型。 3. 借助图片复习回顾表示衣物的单词。 【知识探究】 一、导学: 1. 问候语导入。 2. Let’s sing. 跟着录音回顾欣赏课本的歌曲,可轻声跟唱。 二、知识构建: 1. Look and say. (1)认真观看老师出示的图片,说出图片上建筑的名称,并跟着老师大声的读出来 (2)回答问题:Where is your classroom? Where is the library? Where is the teacher’s office? (3)根据刚刚的问题,在第一部分的方框中画出自己的学校简单的示意图,标明每个地方的标签。 (4)两人一小组,互相介绍学校不同的地方。 2. Do a survey. (1)回答问题:How many subjects do you have? What are they? 跟着老师一起大声的读出单词:English,Chinese,math,art等。 (2)将你这一个星期要上的课程制成一个表格,然后回答问题:Do you have English on Monday? What’s your favorite subject on Tuesday? What classes do you have on Friday? (3)两人一小组,依照第二部分的句子练习对话,一人问,另外一人回答。 3. Let’s match. (1)认真观看老师出示的图片,大声的说出图片上衣物的名称,并跟着老师大声的读出来。 (2)跟着老师一起大声的读出第五部分的单词和短语。 (3)认真观看第五部分的图片,然后将图片和单词连线起来。 (4)跟着老师一起检查自己的答案是否正确。 (5)自由的大声的朗读出这些单词和短语。 三、巩固训练: 1. 选出不同类的一项。 ( )(1)A、room B、cap C、sweater ( )(2)A、red B、brown C、socks ( )(3)A、computer B、office C、art ( )(4)A、science B、math C、make 2. 翻译短语。 (1)电脑房 _____ (2)一条裤子 _____ (3)English classes _____ (4)favorite subject _____ 3. 根据首字母提示完成单词。 (1)My favorite subject on Friday is P___. (2)His father is wearing his new T_____. (3)I’ll take this c_____. (4)My classroom is on the s_____ floor. 4. 判断正(√)误(×) Happy Family This is a photo of the Lee family. The man is Jim Lee. He is Tom and Amy’s father. He is a boss of a restaurant. He is very busy. Every day he goes out very early and comes back very late. This lady is Ethel Lee. She is very pretty. She is a housewife. Every morning she wakes up the children, cooks breakfast and cleans rooms. In the afternoon, she goes shopping and does housework. Tom and Amy love their parents and their parents love them, too. What a happy family! (1)Mrs Lee is a boss of a restaurant. ( ) (2)Mr Lee goes out early every day. ( ) (3)Mr Lee is not very busy. ( ) (4)Ethel goes shopping in the afternoon. ( ) (5)Mr Lee and Mrs Lee love Tom and Amy. ( ) 5. 选答句。 A、I have a cold. B、He’s excited. C、Yes, I did. D、I’m 13. E.I did my homework. (1)How old are you?( ) (2)Did you watch TV?( ) (3)How does he feel?( ) (4)What’s the matter, John?( ) (5)What did you do yesterday?( ) 四、练习作业: 1. 和同伴练习第二部分的对话 ... ...

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