
Unit 12 Review 3 Reading 导学案

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:小学学案 查看:95次 大小:19619Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 12 Review 3 【第五课时】 Reading 【学习目标】 1. 能够根据Jack和Matt的对话复习一般将来时态的will的用法,并能够口头表达。 2. 借助图片和阅读策略读懂介绍过去发生的事情的短文,同时复习一般过去时态的用法。 3. 培养学生学习英语的兴趣,感受在快乐中学习英语的情感体验。 【学习重难点】 1. 能够根据Jack和Matt的对话复习一般将来时态的will的用法,并能够口头表达。 2. 借助图片和阅读策略读懂介绍过去发生的事情的短文,同时复习一般过去时态的用法。 3. 培养学生学习英语的兴趣,感受在快乐中学习英语的情感体验。 【知识探究】 一、导学: 1. 问候语导入。 2. 话题讨论:What did you do last weekend? 二、知识构建: 1. Let’s read. (1)回答问题:What kind of show do you like? (2)阅读Jack和Matt的对话,然后完成右边的海报。 (3)跟着老师一起学习这段对话,然后检查自己的答案。 (4)两人一小组,练习这个对话。 2. Let’s choose. (1)认真观看老师出示的第四部分的图片,回答问题:What are they doing in this picture? (2)仔细阅读Dad和Ben之间的对话,读完之后选出正确的图片。 (3)跟着老师一起学习这个对话,检查自己的答案是否正确。 (4)跟着老师一起复习回顾一般过去时态的结构,用法以及变化规则。 (5)和同伴两人练习这个对话。 3. Let’s write. (1)跟着老师一起大声的读出这些单词:saw,were,was,had,went并理解它们的意思。 (2)仔细阅读第三部分的短文,然后完成填空。 (3)跟着老师一起阅读短文,检查自己的答案,理解短文的意思。 (4)复习回顾动词过去式的变化规则。 (5)大声的朗读这篇文章。 三、巩固训练: 1. 找出下列单词的过去式。 ha was went took did rained ran were wanted is_____ are_____ do_____ rain_____ have_____ run_____ go_____ want_____ eat_____ take_____ 2. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。 (1)We are_____(have) a party tomorrow. (2)It _____(rain)tomorrow in Shanghai. (3)Lets _____(put) the books on the floor. (4)Look!The girl _____(water)the flowers. (5)What are you going _____(do)? 3. 翻译短语。 (1)too expensive _____ (2)没有足够的钱 _____ (3)have a dream _____ (4)arrive at _____ 4. 将句子序号填写在横线上。 (10分) A、Hi B、It’s twenty yuan. C、A cola, please. D、Thank you. E、Yes, we have. Waitress: Hello. Can I help you? Tom: _____. Have you got a hot dog? Waitress: _____. Tom: OK. A hot dog, please. Waitress: What do you want to drink? Tom: _____. How much is it?. Waitress: _____. Tom: Here you are. Waitress: _____.Enjoy your meal! 5. 根据短文内容回答问题。 My sister Betty is a shop assistant in the supermarket. She goes to work by bus. It takes her twenty minutes to go to the supermarket. Her work begins at nine in the morning. She works hard. She likes to help people in the supermarket. They usually buy many kinds of things, such as food, drinks, school things, clothes, computers and so on. She usually goes home late in night. (1)Where does Betty work? _____ (2)How long does it take Betty to go to the supermarket? _____ (3)How does Betty go to work? _____ (4)When does Betty begin to work? _____ 四、练习作业: 1. 完成第二部分的短文填空。 2. 和同伴练习对话。 【学习感悟】 ... ...

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