
Unit 12 Review 3 Vocabulary 1 导学案

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:小学学案 查看:20次 大小:20429Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 12 Review 3 【第一课时】 Vocabulary 1 【学习目标】 1. 复习有关动物的单词,并能够根据它们的性格特点进行分类。 2. 能够通过天气预报的形式复习回顾表示天气的一些形容词,并能够熟练的运用。 3. 能够通过对话将你和同伴上午和下午所做的一些事情进行比较。 【学习重难点】 1. 复习有关动物的单词,并能够根据它们的性格特点进行分类。 2. 能够通过天气预报的形式复习回顾表示天气的一些形容词,并能够熟练的运用。 3. 能够通过对话将你和同伴上午和下午所做的一些事情进行比较。 【知识探究】 一、导学: 1. 问候语导入。 2. 话题讨论:What’s your favorite animal? Why? 二、知识构建: 1. Let’s read. (1)仔细观看图片,回答问题:What’s the weather like in this picture? 并跟着老师大声的读出单词:sunny,cloudy,windy,snowy等。 (2)回答问题:What was the weather like last week? 并完成第二部分的表格。 (3)两人一小组根据这个表格练习对话。 2. Let’s match. (1)认真观看出示的图片,回答问题:What’s this? 跟着老师大声的读出表示动物的单词。 (2)根据第一部分的四个方框,给动物进行分类。然后跟着老师一起检查自己的答案是否正确。 (3)两人一小组练习对话,一人提问:What animal do you like?另外一人回答。 3. Ask and answer. (1)回答问题:What do you do in the morning? What do you do in the afternoon? How about your friends? (2)根据刚才的回答,在第五部分的横线上写出答案。 (3)找出你和你的同伴的不同之处,并描述出来。 三、巩固训练: 1. 选择不同类的单词。 ( )(1)A、need B、tomorrow C、next week D、today ( )(2)A、post office B、pet shop C、post card D、theme park ( )(3)A、CD B、post card C、story book D、cake ( )(4)A、shop B、shoe C、hospital D、supermarket 2. 翻译短语。 (1)晴朗的下午 _____ (2)一些猴子 _____ (3)drink milk _____ (4)体育锻炼 _____ 3. 用括号内动词的适当形式填空。 (1)He often _____(have) dinner at home. (2)Daniel and Tommy _____(be) in Class One. (3)We _____(not watch) TV on Monday. (4)Nick _____(not go) to the zoo on Sunday. (5)_____ they _____(like) the World Cup? 4. 单项选择。 (1)When did you ____to Canada? A、come B came C、comes (2)These _____my boots . A、are B is C、am (3)LiMing _____wears dresses. A、always B、never C、usually 5. 阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。 Mrs Green is going to give a birthday party for Mary (Mary is her daughter). Mary is going to be thirteen years old. Twenty friends of Mary’s are going to come to the party. They are all girls. Mrs Green is getting ready for party. Mrs White is helping her. “Let’s make a pretty cake,” Mrs White says to Mrs Green. “Ok. Thank you very much.” Mrs Green is going shopping now. She’s going to buy fruit for the party. Mrs Green buys some fruit. She buys a lot of pears, orange, and bananas. Then she goes home. It’s three o’clock in the afternoon. Everything is ready .Now the first girl is arriving. The party is going to start in thirty minutes. (1)_____ is going to give a birthday party for Mary. A、Mrs White B、Mrs Green C、Mary D、Mary’s friend (2)Mary is going to be _____ years old. A、twenty B、ten C、twelve D、thirteen (3)_____ are going to come to ... ...

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