
高中英语人教版选修7 Unit3 Under the sea reading (共29张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:35次 大小:7708674Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 高中英语模块七 Unit 3 Under the Sea Reading Have you ever seen animals and plants that under the sea? Do you know what they are? sea horse sea turtle dolphin starfish seal sea lion shark coral clown fish Where did you see them? on a snorkeling trip at an aquarium on a boat tour in books in films on TV nature programmes on the Internet What’s this? How much do you know about them? Is Old Tom an old man? Can you guess what happened to him? Predicting What’s the main idea of the passage? The text consists of two _____ written by Clancy. They are mainly about how Old Tom helped the whalers _____ a whale and saved James from the _____. While reading anecdotes hunt shark Read the first story again and finish the chart. water crashed boat team top breathing fleeing dragged depths tongue careful reading a whale hunt Before the hunt The killer whale threw itself out of the _____ and then _____ down again. It swam by the _____, showing the whalers the way. During the hunt The killers were working as a _____. Some were throwing themselves on _____ of the whale’s blow-hole to stop it _____. Others were stopping it _____ out to sea. After the hunt The killers _____ the dead body down into the _____ of the sea, having a good feed on its lips and _____. Discuss in pairs and answer the following questions. 1.How did Old Tom help the whalers? What evidence can you find? 2. What other animals did the author compare the killer whales with? Why did he compare them with that? 3.Why did the whalers allow the killer whales to drag the whale away? 4. What’s the relationship between Old Tom and the whalers? Discussing & speaking Evidence of helping the whalers throw itself out of the water and crash down again. Let the whalers know that there was a baleen whale nearby. Discussing & speaking swim by the boat showing the whalers the way to the whale Discussing & speaking Discussing & speaking 2. What other animals did the author compare the killer whales with? Why did he compare them with that? Dogs. They behaved in a similar way, in a crazy way while hunting. They were eager to catch the prey. 3. Why did the whalers allow the killer whales to drag the whale away? Because they knew the killer whales would leave the rest of the body to them. Discussing & speaking 4. What’s the relationship between Old Tom and the whalers? Old Tom had a strong relationship with the whalers. There was obviously a great deal of understanding and cooperation between them Discussing & speaking Read the second story again and finish the chart. careful reading washed off shark held a rescue During a hunt, James was _____ _____ the boat. He was carried further and further by the waves and terrified of being abandoned and then suddenly a _____ appeared. After over half an hour when other whalers drew close to James, they found he was firmly _____ up in the water by Old Tom. Read the second story and answer the following questions: ... ...

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