
Module 5 Cartoon stories Unit 3 Language in use. 导学案(无答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:17次 大小:14909Byte 来源:二一课件通
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外研社八年级下册 M5 Cartoons U3 Language in use 导学案 1 把下列时间状语按时态分类 Since+时间点 sometimes twice a week for+时间段 at weekends already yet twice in 1990 in the past in+段时间 in the future Now just now look! yesterday night at that time 一般现在时: 一般过去时: 现在完成时: 一般将来时: 现在进行时: 过去进行时: 2 Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box and then ask the question. What's the main idea? fight discover expect laugh create William Hanna and Joseph Barbera _____ the cartoon series Tom and Jerry in the 1940s. The stories are about a cat called Tom and a mouse called Jerry. They _____ all the time and seem to hate each other. Tom tries to lead Jerry to dangerous places or catch him. But Jerry is too clever and he always manages to run away. I _____ this funny show when I was four years old, and I still _____ when I watch Tom and Jerry today. Why don't you try it? I _____ you will enjoy it too! Key words: _____ Which is right? 1) I like to watch the cartoon is called Tom and Jerry. 2) I like to watch the cartoon called Tom and Jerry. 3 Let’s improve this composition by adding some sentences! _____ 1. _____ _____(我最喜欢的卡通是《猫和老鼠》。)_____(因为它既搞笑又幽默。). William Hanna and Joseph Barbera created the cartoon series in the 1940s. _____(尽管这故事来自美国,却赢得了全世界人民的心。) 2. _____ The stories are about a cat called Tom and a mouse called Jerry. 3. _____ They fight all the time and seem to hate each other. Tom tries to lead Jerry to dangerous places or catch him. But (替换高级词汇=_____)Jerry is too clever and he always manages to run away(用so...that改写=_____). 4. _____ I discovered this funny show when I was four years old._____(从那时起,他就成为我最喜爱的动画片之一。)And I still laugh when I watch Tom and Jerry today. Why don't you try it? I expect you will enjoy it too! 关于时态: 一般现在时:1陈述事实 2描述卡通人物 eg. The stories are about a cat and a mouse. They fight all the time. 一般过去时:1作者创作 2开始发现 eg. W and J created the cartoon series in the 1940s. I discovered this funny shows when I was four. 现在完成时:从过去到现在 eg. It has won the hearts of people all around the world. 4. What is a successful composition? 1_____2_____3_____4_____ 5. Write a passage about your favorite cartoon using the following logic. What--Who--What happens--Why 衔接语: 1. 并列或选择关系: and,as well, as well as, both...and, either... or, neither...nor... 2. 因果关系:so, so…that, as a result, that's why; because, because of, that's because, thanks to 3. 转折关系:but, however 4. 递进关系:not only...but also, what's more, besides, in addtion, also, above all 5. 目的: in order to do, so as to do, so that, in order that 6. 条件:if, if not 7. 让步:although/though 8. 列举:for example, such as, and so on, including 9. 表示时间顺序:first, second, third...finally/in the end/at last; since then, until now, one day, soon, at the same time, sudden ... ...

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