
外研版选修6高中英语 Module 5 Cloning 课件(5份打包)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:62次 大小:4923392Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Section Ⅰ Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary—Comprehending 练读文 记词汇 学翻译 1 教材助读 通语篇 学理解 重分析 2语篇理解 (课件网) Section Ⅱ Introduction & Reading andVocabulary—Language Points 记单词 记短语 记句型 3 基础梳理 chase refuse contrast rush nightmare terrify disgust emotion murder breathe fear 克隆 (皮肤等)布满皱纹的;具有褶皱的 翅膀 血管;静脉 burn out contrast with throw oneself on... make a sound again and again While studying at university It was on a cold November night that had not created I was on the other side of the world could disappear 研词汇 析句型 练拓展 4 要点透析 terrified terrifying terrified of being locked working to stop refusal up to burn down the house burns up with /and contrasting By contrasts sharply with in contrast with /to to speak in /with for fear of failure for fear that he might be fired had had been would have I had taken my teacher's advice 随堂练 固基础 夯根基 5 随堂训练 terrified emotions rushed chasing murdered contrasted refused Fear nightmares breathe while reading It was at three in the afternoon that had seen that famous singer burnt out threw myself on a studying it ugliest terrified to create murders has done where In (课件网) Section Ⅲ Integrating Skills & Cultural Corner 练读文 记词汇 学翻译 1 教材助读 通语篇 学理解 重分析 2 语篇理解 记单词 记短语 记句型 3 基础梳理 identical cure optional absorb beneficial imaginary incredible flexible regulation resist accompany arise 头目;领导 胡说八道;胡扯 酸(性)的 抚育;养育 基因的;遗传基因的;遗传学的 遗传学 透明的 扭曲的;弯曲的 基本的;不可或缺的;重要的 成分 程序 解开 植入;插入 有争议的 有确实根据的;有效的 复制;使再现 特别的;非凡的;卓越的 互相矛盾的;相反的;对立的 缺点;弱点 道德上的优点;善行 强制的;强迫的 方便的;便利的 播种 害虫 生物多样性 (动植物的)品种 分析 嫌疑人 吐出(唾液) 手指甲 法规;规则 科幻的 (人、行为等)古怪的;反常的 样本 完好无损的;完整的 暴力 by mistake treat...as a sequence of (be) identical to rely on as follows knock out get out of control as far as we know break down bring...back to life find it difficult to have children The reason why Brave New World is still so famous is that 研词汇 析句型 练拓展 4 要点透析 from for beneficial of benefit to which is of benefit to all of us of for cured myself of some bad learning habits showing resistant resistance couldn't resist playing couldn't help playing on/upon to do /doing it rely on me to help you rely on it that I will help you rely on my helping you absorbed absorbing absorbing→absorbed was absorbed in So absorbed was Tom in watching the basketball match that Absorbed in watching the basketball match (机器)出故障 (身体)垮掉 分解 消除 broke into my room would break down the fire broke out break up without warning arising arise→arising it to adapt spend→spending makes it possible for us ... ...

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