
Unit 11 Can you tell me the way Period 3 课件(共27张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:52次 大小:2062848Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 五年级下册 Module 6 Directions Period 3 本课时目标: 1、同步阅读训练,通过阅读,再次巩固问路和指引句型。 2、通过阅读复习介词短语。 3、设计藏宝图,用英语指引路程。 Who is he? Harry Potter What can he do? He can fly in the sky. He knows magic(魔法). He is a student in a magic school. Why can he fly? Magic is so funny. Super-kid Magic School. Let’s visit it! Do you want to learn magic, too? Super-kid Magic School Good morning, kids. Welcome to Super-kid Magic School. Let me show you around first. Do you see the yellow house over there? That is the dining hall. How to get into the hall? Go straight ahead, then turn right, you will see a wall in Front of you. Put your hands on the wall and say “In”, you will be in the dining hall. Please look at the big glass building on your left. That’s the gym. You will learn flying there. It’s open before 12pm. To tell you a secret, if you want to go there after 12, turn left out of the school, take the two minutes. Open you eyes, you will find yourself in the gym. Isn’t it fun? Super-kid Magic School is full of secrets and fun. 阅读材料选自赵淑红主编《拓展读与写》五年级上。 The music room is in that blue building. Straight on from here, turn left at the second crossing, you can see it. Sing a song in front of the door, if you are good, the door will open. Where is the lab? Can you see the blue house in the air? That’s it. How can you get in there? Well, you will not get in there before you can fly. OK, kids. Have a good time in Super-kid Magic School. the blue building dining hall the glass building the yellow building the red house lab gym music room canteen, lab, gym, music room Put your hands on the wall and say “in” to get into the _____. 2. Sing a song to get into the _____. 3. Jump into the lake and close your eyes for two minutes to get into the _____. 4. Fly to get into the _____. Read the passage again. Fill in the blank. Super-kid Magic School Good morning, kids. Welcome to Super-kid Magic School. Let me show you around first. Do you see the yellow house over there? That is the dining hall. How to get into the hall? Go straight ahead, then turn right, you will see a wall in Front of you. Put your hands on the wall and say “In”, you will be in the dining hall. Please look at the big glass building on your left. That’s the gym. You will learn flying there. It’s open before 12pm. To tell you a secret, if you want to go there after 12, turn left out of the school, take the two minutes. Open you eyes, you will find yourself in the gym. Isn’t it fun? Super-kid Magic School is full of secrets and fun. The music room is in that blue building. Straight on from here, take the second left, you can see it. Sing a song in front of the door, if you are good, the door will open. Where is the lab? Can you see the blue house in the air? That’s it. How can you get in there? Well, you will not get in there before ... ...

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